Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    London Bridge Is Falling Down!

    News from Asia and Europe is not pretty.
    The marriage between LLoyds Bank and HSBC is going into thr Crapper!
    The Government is stepping in to increase ownership from 43-77% and buy up to 260Billion Pounds of Toxic assets!
    Japanese markets WORSE in 27 years, and their trade deficits worse in 13 years
    Oil and Gas trading UP
    What Me Worry?........HELL NO I See some good coin can be made be made right now.

    As for OIL simply play DIG , It bets OIL to RISE
    Also play UCO it bets Oil and Gas to rise!

    Also select stocks from the above post and short them!

    1. FAZ LONG
    2. SKF LONG
    3. DIG LONG
    4. UCO LONG

    All these are shovel ready , forget any help from Geitner or Obama, MAKE YOUR OWN STIMULUS PACKAGE!



    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      8 shorts for 3/10/09

      8 Shorts for today, but DON'T buy until the day's end 3:30 - 4:00 PM ! The futures are currently up and 'Helicopter Ben" is speaking today . The markets will probably rise today .....and then as USUAL take it all back tomorrow!
      I feel these SHORTS will perform well over a 2-10 day period

      1. ABCO SHORT
      2. GMT SHORT
      3. PVA SHORT
      4. OSG SHORT
      5. FDX SHORT
      6. DEL SHORT
      7. CALM SHORT
      8. ROLL SHORT

      Good Luck God Bless and have a beautiful day!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        Lucky 7 For 3/11/09

        Needless to say , these are difficult days to remain above water in the stock market. Today we have 4 SHORTS and 3 LONGS , you have to maintain some balance in this topsy ,turvy market . These should perform well. PVA SHORT has been uncanny , but BEWARE it could turn on a dime. Yesterday inspite of a HUGE DOW UP Move . ....PVA was actually DOWN .57% truly amazing.

        1. PVA SHORT
        2. SCL SHORT
        3. SPTN SHORT
        4. AXYS SHORT
        5. AIPC LONG Hey Ya can't go wrong betting LONG on Italian American Pasta! While people are pinching pennies , they are stuffing their faces with pasta ! The Chart Looks Read to POP higher !
        6. AZO LONG
        7. APSG LONG

        Hey I may not kick over chairs, bite the head off rubber bulls, but I must say ,I think I can give Jim Cramer a run for the "Mad Money" with my picks !


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          4 for 3/12/09

          Futures are DOWN , but off their lows of the morning. Another tricky day is at hand . The following are all short bets. DXD is bet LONG, but it double shorts the DOW 30.

          1. DXD LONG
          2. PVA SHORT
          3. SPTN SHORT
          4. SAM SHORT

          PVA and SPTN look especially GOOD , they should continue their downward march over the coming days !

          Good Luck .....and enjoy the beautiful day . Outside my window , I can see the blue skies and sun. In about 1 hour, I shall head out for a several mile fast walk! It really does clear the mind!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Lucky 7 For 3/17/09

            Happy St Patricks Day to all .......we are all Irish today . Well another tricky day , but I really don't buy into this BEAR RALLY.
            Not when the economy is losing 650,000 jobs per month, and 27 trillion in Mortgage derivatives is still unwinding .
            The banks mysteriously making money to me is alot of hot air , but what could they say when Obama put the gun to their head. Helicopter BEN is also lying through his teeth when he stated theat recession could end IF financial markets stabilized........a BIG IF!
            Nothing has really changed and I feel we have a bear rally before the DOW drop to 5,000!
            Why worry, just use STOPS on all your bets and get out of a position if it turns on you . I also like to LOCK IN my gains with stops.

            1. ABCO SHORT
            2. COHR SHORT
            3. TAP SHORT
            4. WY SHORT
            5. DPM LONG
            6. AIPC LONG
            7. AZO LONG

            Good Luck, God Bless and have a profitable day!


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              12 for 3/19/09

              Another tricky day .....exercise caution the market could go either way. Nevertheless, here are 12 "Calendar Girls" for ya . One Short and 11 LONG stem roses.

              1. UNG SHORT
              2. TAXI LONG
              3. SFY LONG
              4. TWP LONG
              5. CETV LONG
              6. STSI LONG
              7. AN LONG
              8. NAK LONG
              9. SIFY LONG
              10. BIG LONG
              11. TNDM LONG
              12. AFCE LONG

              Good Luck And Have Great Day!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                6 For 3/21/09

                Well another tricky day ......yesteday was not too kind what a wipeout ! Today I will try to hedge my bets .

                1. NFLX LONG
                2. ORLY LONG
                3. SXCI LONG
                4. NAK LONG
                5. GIS SHORT
                6. BTI SHORT

                Good Luck ,God Bless and have a beautiful weekend!


                • steelman
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 648

                  Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                  Well another tricky day ......yesteday was not too kind what a wipeout ! Today I will try to hedge my bets .

                  1. NFLX LONG
                  2. ORLY LONG
                  3. SXCI LONG
                  4. NAK LONG
                  5. GIS SHORT
                  6. BTI SHORT

                  Good Luck ,God Bless and have a beautiful weekend!
                  NAK is curretnly at $5.94, down about 10% today. The 5 day chart has the RSI about 24 which I believe is an oversold condition. Is this a good time to get in?
                  Thank you
                  It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968


                    Originally posted by steelman View Post
                    NAK is curretnly at $5.94, down about 10% today. The 5 day chart has the RSI about 24 which I believe is an oversold condition. Is this a good time to get in?
                    Thank you
                    Steel if the market rises sharply this week GOLD may have a pullback .....but look at this chart ,perhaps 2 other GOLD stocks which may be better are AZK and GDX ( GDX is an ETF holding a few different gold stocks) Note how GDX does not undergo such violent swings as the average gold stock. I think AZK or GDX are better picks !


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      5 for 3/23/09

                      Geitner reveals his plan for the banks ....futures are up , but if the markets do not like his plan ......DOWN they will go . I am hedging my bets with 3 LONGS and 2 SHORTS !

                      1. CAI SHORT
                      2. JOE SHORT
                      3. AZK LONG
                      4. MNRO LONG
                      5. PEGA LONG

                      Set your stops and lock in profits by adjusting your stops . Good Luck To All !


                      • steelman
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 648

                        Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                        Steel if the market rises sharply this week GOLD may have a pullback .....but look at this chart ,perhaps 2 other GOLD stocks which may be better are AZK and GDX ( GDX is an ETF holding a few different gold stocks) Note how GDX does not undergo such violent swings as the average gold stock. I think AZK or GDX are better picks !

                        Peter, Is there a way to tell when to get into AZK and where it could be headed by looking at that chart?
                        Best Regards
                        It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          Steel no

                          Originally posted by steelman View Post
                          Peter, Is there a way to tell when to get into AZK and where it could be headed by looking at that chart?
                          Best Regards

                          Steel for short term moves I use a six month chart from

                          The CHART above is better for A LONG TERM TREND!


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            7 for 3/24/09

                            Tricky markets , but I feel after such a BIG run up profit taking will take place . Excercise caution , don't buy at opening , always after 10AM !

                            1. NFLX LONG
                            2. PEGA LONG
                            3. TNDM LONG
                            4. MNRO LONG
                            5. ASIA LONG
                            6. HRS SHORT
                            7. TFX SHORT

                            Good Luck And God Bless!


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              7 For 3/25/09

                              Futures are up slightly , but down from theri highs. Who knows what will happen ....more and more people are not buying this Obama wild spending binge! Today 3 LONGS and 4 SHORT!

                              1. PEGA LONG
                              2. NFLX LONG
                              3. AZO LONG
                              4. HUBG SHORT
                              5. SFY SHORT
                              6. UNG SHORT
                              7. PVA SHORT

                              Be cool , and remember to set your stops for both longs and shorts !

                              Have a nice day !


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                10 For 3/27/09

                                Stocks hitting 52 week lows are drying up , and the money appears to be going LONG all LONG TODAY! Since we had such a huge run up in the past several prepared for pullbacks. I would recommend a 10% Trailing Stop LOSS for all positions except # 2 HH which is a 43 Cent stock .....use a 15% TSL for this one . If you cannot use Trailing Stop Losses ....just set a 10%, or in the case of #2 HH , a 15% STOP below your BUY price . Good Luck God Bless .......and HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND! THINK POSITIVE!

                                1. SMG LONG
                                2. HH LONG
                                3. MHK LONG
                                4. CPSI LONG
                                5. GHDX LONG
                                6. AZO LONG
                                7. SXCI LONG
                                8. AIPC LONG
                                9. OPTR LONG
                                10. MNRO LONG

