Pete's Money Makers

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  • Hempnitize
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 15

    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
    Wow what a ride yesterday.......futures are up slightly .but who really knows what will transpire when the markets open? There appears to in process a plan to let the dollar fall , and rumors have it that this may all be leading to a new world currency .....who knows? Anyway Gold and Commodities should continue their upward rise. The following 15 are all "Explosive" and they should lead to fatter stock porfolios as the markets climb!

    1. ALLI LONG Healthcare
    2. ATLS LONG Energy
    3. AUTCW LONG Wow absolutely incredible Chinese auto parts company
    4. CAAS LONG China Automotive systems
    5. CPBY LONG China Information
    6. DTG LONG Profunds Ultra Oil And Gas ETF
    7. EVOL LONG Evolving systems
    8. FUQI LONG Chinese precious metal jewelry
    9. HILL LONG Technology
    10 HITK LONG High Tech Pharma
    11. JADE LONG Chinese luxury jeweler
    12. JINFF LONG OTCBB small Canadian gold miner with operations in up 17.69% yesterday......and I still think it has room to run! For $1.83 it may pay to lock and load on this one!
    13. RBY LONG Another super small $4.68 gold miner
    14. SPRD LONG Communications
    15. SVM Silver miner at 52 week high

    Think $$$$, Good Luck , God Bless ....and have a Beautiful day!
    Hey ......Remember this one ......Mick Jaeger and the Rolling Stones Satisfaction! .....this should wake ya up!
    Hey everyone. I didn't want to talk about this stock because i was really unsure about it but i almost caught it at the 52 week low of 4 cents. I got it at 7 cents but only put $500 on it. SBLKW. It's related to SBLK. I tried to look up info on it but every where i look it only talks about SBLK "star bulk carriers". I own that too. doing ok. Anyone have any info on this stock.


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      12 for 10/21/09

      Futures aredown as I write so caution is advised.......SET THOSE STOPS, and raise them as the stocks rise!

      1. ATLS LONG Super nice chart
      2. AUTCW LONG Chinese auto sales ....took a hit yesterday, but I was stopped out with a nice profit .....will I get back in ...I am watching.
      3. CAAS LONG Chinese automotive
      4. CPBY LONG China Inforamtion andd security
      5. EVOL LONG Evolving systems
      6. FUQI LONG Chinese jewelry
      7. HILL LONG Technology
      8. HITK LONG Pharma
      9. KMX LONG nice chart and fundamentals at 52 week High .....still has room to go
      10. RBY LONG Small Gold Miner
      11. TSHO LONG High Speculative Pumped stock "As Seen On TV" Telemarketer!
      12. VMED LONG Virgin Media

      Wow almost forgot JINFF Jinshan Gold .......this chinese miner is pouring huge amounts of gold!

      Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful day!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968


        Originally posted by Hempnitize View Post
        Hey everyone. I didn't want to talk about this stock because i was really unsure about it but i almost caught it at the 52 week low of 4 cents. I got it at 7 cents but only put $500 on it. SBLKW. It's related to SBLK. I tried to look up info on it but every where i look it only talks about SBLK "star bulk carriers". I own that too. doing ok. Anyone have any info on this stock.
        Hemp as you are aware ........this is a PUMPED STOCK.......the sharks are juicing this one up for a "Balloon Boy" rise ........Geeeeeeez the chart looks like a flatline for a dead advice ...set a stop limit higher than your buy price and when it hits it thankful ya got out with a profit. Holding SBLKW is like riding with an IED.... IN your car LOL!


        • Hempnitize
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2009
          • 15

          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
          Hemp as you are aware ........this is a PUMPED STOCK.......the sharks are juicing this one up for a "Balloon Boy" rise ........Geeeeeeez the chart looks like a flatline for a dead advice ...set a stop limit higher than your buy price and when it hits it thankful ya got out with a profit. Holding SBLKW is like riding with an IED.... IN your car LOL!
          Yeah i figured that one. I was actually embarrassed to even admit to buying this stock at all. Well i'll give it a week and see what happens. By the way thanks for the LPIH tip. I'm making $ on that one now.


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            "LUCKY" 7 For 10/22/09

            Yesterday saw a quick turnaround.....right near the close the markets dropped. You never know for sure which way the markets will go.

            1. CAAS LONG Chinese auto sales
            2. CRZO LONG Oil Claus of Money & Markets says oil has finished basing and is going up to $100 per barrel.
            3. HOGS LONG Chinese pork sales
            4. KMX LONG Car sales
            5. NXTH LONG This is a "PUMPED" stock with 18 UP Days in a row ...Charles Payne , a TV business analyst, is touting this company which makes a "Healthy" sweetner called SUSTA used like the artificial Sweet and Low...5 calories per small pack .....BUT NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS ! Once again set a stop limit so you will automatically be exited after you make a few coin!
            6. PWRD LONG Chinese gamer stock makes bit hit games in China
            7. JINFF LONG Canadian Gold Miner with mines in China

            Well there ya have it .....Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful day!


            • g92069
              • Jun 2009
              • 63

              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
              Yesterday 10/12/09 GFRE had a reverse 1 for 4 split and has changed its name to GRUS .....still Gulf Resources. Vector Vest rates it a BUY and says it is fairly valued at its close price of $9.15 and says its true worth is $9.17. P/E is 14.76 compared to 113.02 for ALL stocks in the Vector Vest Data Base. GRUS also has an earnings yield of 6.78 compared to the current average of .88% for ALL stocks in the Vector Vest Data Base!
              It is my opinion that GRUS should be a long term hold in most portfolios .....this sleeper is a keeper!
              Pete, GRUS is heading to the NASDAQ later this month. Based on previous "up listings", I would think an upward move is a good possibility. Now might be the time to make a play here.

              Thanks for all your continued information.



              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                G Thanx

                Originally posted by g92069 View Post
                Pete, GRUS is heading to the NASDAQ later this month. Based on previous "up listings", I would think an upward move is a good possibility. Now might be the time to make a play here.

                Thanks for all your continued information.

                Thanx for GRUS info ...I definitely will check it out. Here is the info from YAHOO . Apparently The CEO Mr Ming will ring the CLOSING bell at the Nasdaq on Times Square NYC. It should be on the "Closing Bell" CNBC Business report. Too bad Mr Ming could not ring the OPENING bell.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  8 For 10/23/09

                  Well.....crazy week , but hopefully we can finish on an UPNOTE!

                  1. AUTCW LONG Wild swings on this Chinese Auto Sales stock after a huge 32% Upday yesterday , should be due for another rise today
                  2. JINFF LONG Chinese OTCBB Small Gold miner
                  3. NXTH LONG Maker of SUSTA a 5 calorie NATURAL Sweetener UP an AMAZING 21 Days in a row .....has been averaging about 3% per day steady increase. WARNING it is a PUMPED stock ......Charles Payne of CNBC Business is hyping this one with mailers!
                  4. JADE LONG Nice Chinese Luxury Jewelry company with good fundamentals
                  5. UCO LONG Profunds Utra OIL ETF
                  6. VISN LONG Digital TV display Ads on Subways etc in CHINA. This beauty ......had revenues 1st quarter 2009 of $27.3 million , a gain of 100% over revenues of 13.6 million in 2008. Net income also increased from 1st quarter 2008 5.4 million to 1st quarter in 2009 of 6.7 million or 24% increase!
                  7. LZ LONG Lubrizol..nice fundamentals , great chart ......this 52 week high stock should put money ito your pocket
                  8. GRUS LONG This stock will list on the NASDAQ on 10/27/09 May be time to buy The Bromine King Again.....see notes in previous post!

                  Quite a mixed bag of stocks .but if the markets rise ....these stocks will provide SUPER returns . Good Luck God Bless ......and have a beautiful weekend .
                  Since 20 business days have passed I shall be posting the results of Money Gusher 1 and Money Gusher 2 porfolios some time this week end !


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Money Gusher 1 & 2 Porfolio Results!

                    Well here are the results of the 2 Money Gusher Portfolios ....NO stocks were added or deleted . The original Money Gusher began using 8/28/09 close prices and running for 39 business days with 22 stocks on an original 50K Divided equally among the 22 stocks, had a 20.86% INCREASE or $10,432.08 in the 39 Days.
                    Money Gusher 2 began using the 9/25/09 close prices and running for 20 days using only 17 stocks with another 50K divided equally among 17 stocks, had an increase of $5,427.81 or 10.86% .
                    Not too shabby reesults for both portfolios!
                    I will keep both running and add a Money Gusher 3 which I will set up over the weekend!

                    Print Preview

                    Print U.S. Markets open in 62 hrs, 17 mins
                    DJIA 9,972.18 -109.13 -1.08%
                    NASDAQ 2,154.47 -10.82 -0.50%
                    S&P 500 1,079.60 -13.31 -1.22%

                    MONEY GUSHER 8/28/09
                    Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                    60,432.08 +10,432.08 +20.86% -732.66 -1.20%

                    Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                    ADAT 1,976.2846 1.50 -0.02 1.15 +691.70 2,964.43
                    AGT 5,768.3433 0.53 -0.0108 0.394 +784.49 3,057.22
                    AKRX 1,761.8041 1.51 -0.03 1.29 +387.60 2,660.32
                    AXPW 950.9319 2.03 +0.09 2.39 -342.34 1,930.39
                    AXTI 1,255.6504 2.24 -0.01 1.81 +539.93 2,812.66
                    CYTR 2,250.225 0.90 -0.02 1.01 -247.52 2,025.20
                    DRYS 371.3607 7.03 -0.19 6.12 +337.94 2,610.67
                    FSII 2,612.3302 1.60 +0.05 0.87 +1,907.00 4,179.73
                    GDX 56.5635 46.69 -0.30 40.18 +368.23 2,640.95
                    HILL 1,708.8175 2.30 -0.05 1.33 +1,657.55 3,930.28
                    JADE 1,262.6263 3.58 +0.11 1.80 +2,247.47 4,520.20
                    KERX 1,635.0556 2.15 -0.01 1.39 +1,242.64 3,515.37
                    LTS 3,113.325 0.66 -0.06 0.73 -217.93 2,054.79
                    NAVI 1,183.7121 2.24 +0.05 1.92 +378.79 2,651.52
                    NLST 3,443.5262 0.605 -0.025 0.66 -189.39 2,083.33
                    QCOR 399.4248 4.98 -0.22 5.69 -283.59 1,989.14
                    RBY 744.6682 4.36 -0.13 3.052 +974.03 3,246.75
                    SFE 206.6116 10.69 -0.22 11.00 -64.05 2,208.68
                    TRE 752.5587 3.18 -0.03 3.02 +120.41 2,393.14
                    TSEM 1,893.9394 1.06 0.00 1.20 -265.15 2,007.58
                    UIS 939.1435 2.62 -0.17 2.42 +187.83 2,460.56
                    ZIXI 1,202.5012 2.07 -0.05 1.89 +216.45 2,489.18

                    Last Updated : 7:13 PM on 10/23/09

                    Print Preview

                    Print U.S. Markets open in 62 hrs, 12 mins
                    DJIA 9,972.18 -109.13 -1.08%
                    NASDAQ 2,154.47 -10.82 -0.50%
                    S&P 500 1,079.60 -13.31 -1.22%

                    MONEYGUSHER 2 9/25/09
                    Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                    55,427.81 +5,427.81 +10.86% -333.91 -0.60%

                    Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                    ADAT 2,056.7668 1.50 -0.02 1.43 +143.97 3,085.15
                    AXPW 1,349.1635 2.03 +0.09 2.18 -202.37 2,738.80
                    FSII 2,748.7631 1.60 +0.05 1.07 +1,456.84 4,398.02
                    GDX 68.2883 46.69 -0.30 43.07 +247.20 3,188.38
                    HILL 1,873.3608 2.30 -0.05 1.57 +1,367.55 4,308.73
                    JADE 1,387.3474 3.58 +0.11 2.12 +2,025.53 4,966.70
                    KERX 1,097.4539 2.15 -0.01 2.68 -581.65 2,359.53
                    LTS 4,025.7001 0.66 -0.06 0.7306 -284.21 2,656.96
                    MCZ 7,797.3926 0.51 +0.05 0.3772 +1,035.49 3,976.67
                    NAVI 1,427.8249 2.24 +0.05 2.0599 +257.15 3,198.33
                    QCOR 548.727 4.98 -0.22 5.36 -208.52 2,732.66
                    RBY 738.9891 4.36 -0.13 3.98 +280.82 3,221.99
                    SFE 275.6492 10.69 -0.22 10.67 +5.51 2,946.69
                    TRE 1,057.9771 3.18 -0.03 2.78 +423.19 3,364.37
                    TXCC 4,524.8869 0.518 -0.0476 0.65 -597.29 2,343.89
                    UIS 1,225.4902 2.62 -0.17 2.40 +269.61 3,210.78
                    ZIXI 1,318.9132 2.07 -0.05 2.23 -211.03 2,730.15

                    Last Updated : 7:18 PM on 10/23/09


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      GRUS READY For BLASTOFF!

                      The Chinese Bromine King GRUS will soon leave OTCBB status and join the NASDAQ on 10/27/09 at the market close in a ceremony at Nasdaq Times Square in NYC . Mr Ming GRUS CEO will ring the closing bell.
                      I think ya better jump on this BAD BOY before 10/27/09 ......or like MONDAY 10/26!
                      GRUS is no chump change, tin horn OTCBB stock.......GRUS Needs NO PUMPING.
                      This baby is sitting on a motherlode of over $30 million cash , generates more than $3 MILLION per month in net cash flow, and benefits from the ever increasing Bromine price, and is up about 425% in 6 months acording to!


                      • wooish
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 499

                        If anyone decides to buy AUTCW, you need to be very careful. Check out the price swing and you know what I mean. This stock is definately not for someone with a weak heart.

                        As always thanks for the good list of picks eventhough I don't own any.


                        • g92069
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 63

                          I'm going to buy some as soon as I can get the entry price I want. The price swings are extreme though.....


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            G & Wooish

                            Yes AUTCW is explosive ....personally I would take the money and place it into GRUS The Chinese Bromine King ....which will debut on the Nasdaq on 10/27/09! Does anyone know ....percentage wise when a stock goes from OTCBB to Nasdaq , how do close prices compare? In other words, does a larger perecentage of the stocks go up or down on the first day on the Nasdaq?
                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 10-25-2009, 10:02 AM.


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              Money gusher 3 10/23/09

                              Well time for MONEY GUSHER 3 ....SHOWTIME! I have slimmed down the portfolio to 12 FAST Horses. All stocks are under 5 bucks, with the exception of GRUS which is $9.65. I have used Friday's 10/23/09 close prices as the start point for all stocks. The Portfolio will run for 20 days with no additions or deletions. I will annouce the results on 11/20/09.
                              Obviously if there is a huge downdraft in the markets these stocks will also suffer, but if the markets continue as they have you will be in the winner's circle on 11/20/09 with some handsome profits in your portfolio.
                              50K was distributed equally among the 12 stocks or $4,166.67 was placed into each stock!

                              Print U.S. Markets open in 25 hrs, 33 mins
                              DJIA 9,972.18 -109.13 -1.08%
                              NASDAQ 2,154.47 -10.82 -0.50%
                              S&P 500 1,079.60 -13.31 -1.22%

                              MONEY GUSHER 3 10/23/09
                              Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                              50,000.00 0.00 0.00% -80.68 -0.16%
                              Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                              ADAT 2,777.7777 1.50 -0.02 1.50 0.00 4,166.67
                              CNOA 3,306.8782 1.26 +0.05 1.26 0.00 4,166.67
                              FSII 2,604.1666 1.60 +0.05 1.60 0.00 4,166.67
                              GRUS 431.7789 9.65 +0.50 9.65 0.00 4,166.67
                              HILL 1,811.5941 2.30 -0.05 2.30 0.00 4,166.67
                              JADE 1,163.8733 3.58 +0.11 3.58 0.00 4,166.67
                              JINFF 2,261.1746 1.8427 -0.0073 1.8427 0.00 4,166.67
                              KERX 1,937.9844 2.15 -0.01 2.15 0.00 4,166.67
                              NAVI 1,860.119 2.24 +0.05 2.24 0.00 4,166.67
                              RBY 955.6575 4.36 -0.13 4.36 0.00 4,166.67
                              SGAS 3,639.0131 1.145 -0.065 1.145 0.00 4,166.67
                              UIS 1,590.3307 2.62 -0.17 2.62 0.00 4,166.67
                              Last Updated: 7:57 AM on 10/25/09


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                5 For 10/26/09

                                Futures were up , then declined slightly who knows what will happen today. These definitely are the days which try men's souls, but as Alfred E. Neuman would say , "What Me Worry?" I certainly don't...... life is too short for that . The following 5 stocks should perform well , PROVIDED, that the market does not have a huge downdraft! Remember Oct 29th is approaching , and we all know how the markets reacted on that day in Oct 1929!
                                Think POSITIVE ..."Think Big, Act Big.....and You Will Be Big"

                                1. GRUS LONG The Chinese Bromine King will go NASDAQ tomorrow perhaps it would be wise to BUY NOW?
                                2. HYC LONG Electronic payment systems
                                3. JOEZ LONG Clothing retailer
                                4. NXTH LONG Healthy Low Cal Sweetener UP 22 days in a row, any stock you know do that? CAUTION this one is PUMPED by CNBC Charles Payne and will drop faster than Maria's Drawers at the Ole Cantina once the plug is pulled!
                                5. PWRD LONG Chinese Online Game Developer ....What a Beaeutiful Chart , DEFINITELY one to consider.

                                Good Luck , God Bless and ENJOY this beautiful sunny fall day!

