Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Sweet 16 stox for monday 8/29/11

    Well Irene appears to have passed on and fortunately was not as bad as it could have been.
    Todays picks are a mixture of small , mid and large cap stocks in many different catagories , but no PINK SHEETS for the gamblers. Yes some golds are included.

    1. AG First Majestic Silver
    2. AHCI Allied Healthcare
    3. ANV Allied Nevada Gold
    4. APAC APAC customer services
    5. AUQ Aurico gold
    6. AUY Yamana Gold
    7. CVI CVR Energy
    8. EXK Endeavor Silver
    9. IDCC Digital wireless solutions
    10. JAZZ Pharmaceuticals
    11. NGD New Gold
    12. PANL Flat panel displays
    13. PZZI Small Pizza franchise operation with great cheap gourmet pie
    14. RGLD Royal Gold
    15. VHI Chemicals and waste management
    16. VRUS Pharmaceuticals

    Good Luck , God bless and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    I realize many are still stressed out from the storm , the following 2 tunes will take you back to a simpler time and perhaps put a smile on your face ......TURN UP your speakers and enjoy!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      9 stox plus 2 high fliers!

      Gold took a breather yesterday , but I am confident that gold will hit $2000 per ounce by the end of 2011
      The following stocks had been down but all appear to be coming back . The last 2 stocks are FOR GAMBLERS ONLY !

      1. CIS Camelot information
      2. EGHT 8X8 Inc
      3. ENTR Entropic Communications
      4. GNC GNC Holdings
      5. NX Quanex Corporation.
      6. QPSA Quepasa
      7. PDC Pioneer Drilling
      8. PWAV Powerwave Technologies
      9. STEC Stec Inc

      FOR THE GAMBLERS ONLY The following 2 stocks if bought should have LIMT SELL order placed after purchase. Suppose you pay 50 Cents and wish to make 20% gain......simply set your Sell Limit Order of 60 Cents , and the stock will sell automatically when the 60 cent point is reached. There are no guarantees that you will get the 60 Cents if the stock is dropping fast.

      *** ACAR Active Care A push button device a senior wears can instantly contact a specialist who can send immediate help. Yes devices like this already exist so there is competition. This is a PUMPED STOCK but if you get in and out quick money can be made .Read this Yahoo post commenting on the pumper... "Good chance to sell tomorrow morning! 29-Aug-11 09:26 pm Jonathan Lebed, felony swindler and stock manipulator posted on his website all about this stock this evening. He usually pumps to help principals of failing companies sell their stock before it tanks. He was paid $20,000 to pump this stock and will work it hard until his contract with the failing company expires, typically within a month. Just a note of caution. The SEC is watching him very closely so he may end up getting you all investigated if you sell on his "pump". " This warning may make LARGE HOLDERS of the stock planning to dump today very cautious.

      *** AAVG As far as I know this is not a pumped stock but it is risky!

      Good Luck, God Bless and enjoy your day.


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        9 STOX for 8/31/11

        With FEMA having only 1 BILLION in their disaster ya think QE3 is coming? NJ has damage estimated at 2 BILLION + , and what about all the other states.
        It is almost guaranteed that the feds will issue QE3 . This should cause the stock makets to soar , and as inflation sooner or later rises, so should the price of gold!

        1. AG Majestic Silver
        2. CIS Camelot Information
        3. EGHT 8X8
        4. GNC GNC holdings
        5. GNMK Genmark Diagnostics
        6. MITK Mitek Systems
        7. RBY Rubicon Minerals
        8. RIC Richmont Mines
        9. SNDXF Sandstorm Gold

        Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful day!


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          8 Stox for 9/1/11

          Stock futures are down as I write , as well as gold and oil. Needless to say where the markets go today is anyone's guess. Caution is advised.
          The following picks are showing signs of recovery, but there are no guarantees.

          1. AUO Au Optronics
          2. CYOU This stock conforms to William O'Neil's CAN SLIM method for finding stocks with value and good earnings.
          3. ELN Elan Corporation
          4. GNMK Genmark Diagnostics
          5. JOSB Jos A. Bank Clothiers
          6. LXU Lsb Industries
          7. SNDXF Sandstorm Gold
          8. VRA Vera Bradley

          Good Luck, God Bless ......and have a beautiful day!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Pizza inn pzzi

            Pizza Inns PZZI have smaller PIE 5 Resturants opening which can bake you a custom pizza in 5 minutes ........Here is their menu ......not the cheapest pizza ......but they sure look tasty favorite is the Margherita Pie .What is yours? on the image to ENLARGE it !
            I think the Pie 5 in addition to the regular PIZZA INNS should do well ......people never seem to get enough of pizza!


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Jeez, Pete, those pies are small.



              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968


                Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                Jeez, Pete, those pies are small.

                Billie the Pie 5 locations are in UPSCALE areas . People in those areas want quality and not a pie that would choke a horse LOL!
                The regular Pizza Inn locations have cheaper and bigger pies.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  5 STOCKS For 9/2/11

                  Some important reports were released by the government this morning . Unemployment remains at 9.1% , and the other report numbers range from bad to worse. Folks I think the wheels are coming of the "Jack Wagon" , and although we all have hope ....there ain't much change.
                  Apparently Bernanke has arrows in the quiver......but frankly I think he shot himself in the ass.
                  The only solution I see is to throw ALL the bums out in the next election.
                  GOLD seems to be up today , so here are my favorite 5 GOLD Stocks.

                  1. AUY
                  2. DGP
                  3. RGLD
                  4. RIC
                  5. SNDXF

                  Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful day!


                  • Karel
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 2199

                    Pete banned

                    To all the folks who were interested in this thread: Pete has been banned and this thread will be closed now. I am sorry, especially if you have profited from his insights, but he has been a royal pain in the neck for much too long.


                    My Investopedia portfolio
                    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)

