Percentage GAINERS in the month

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  • Percentage GAINERS in the month


    A list of the standout percentage gainers over the past month:
    CKCM +145%
    OHB +118% <- This showed up in one of my screeners as a short squeeze candidate a few months ago, I wish I had not sold so early!
    CACS +112%
    ADAT +96%
    TASR +91% <- This is a very good one!
    TRCI +90% <- stenzrob stock, very good!
    FARO +86% <- stenzrob stock, very good!
    NAVR +84%
    CORI +82%
    IWAV +80%
    AZPN +80%
    AOLA +79%
    BRKT +78%
    EVCI +78%
    AKAM +72%
    CRDN +72%
    BFLY +67%
    PLCE +66%
    CYD +64%
    TRID +62%
    JBSS +61% <- Mr Market stock
    IVAN +60% <- one of the first gas plays identified, very good!
    OPTK +60%
    EGLS +60%
    EMKR +59%
    ZOOM +58%
    LUME +57%
    EGHT +53%
    WGAT +48%
    LU +45%
    RHAT +42%
    NFLX +42%

  • #2
    Very interesting, SuperVoy. Some of those others were on my screen at one time, but I failed to buy them, like CYD, CEDC, CRDN, and even TASR.

    The amazing thing about FARO is that I bought at $6 and sold for over $10 for more than a 70% gain even before the 86% that the stock went up during the last month. This was the first stock I ever recommended on the old Yahoo group, proposing it as an alternative to SSYS, I believe.

    TRCI I have been recommending here since it was $6.

    I think the thing for us to do for homework is to take the list you provided and look at what the charts for each of these looked like 1 month ago, and if there was any news or other developments that drove this. This is what O'Neil says he did to develop CANSLIM, and what Kevin Kennedy said he did to develop his trading model.

    What I'm always trying to do is pick 5 or 6 stocks that might be on that list next month. If one of them hits 90% to 100% and the others do nothing, it averages out to 20%/month, which is what my portfolio has been doing steadily for the last nine months.


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Originally posted by stenzrob
      What I'm always trying to do is pick 5 or 6 stocks that might be on that list next month. If one of them hits 90% to 100% and the others do nothing, it averages out to 20%/month, which is what my portfolio has been doing steadily for the last nine months.
      Sounds like the Dave Kingman strategy...I'm more like Tony Gwynn I guess.

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • #4
        Originally posted by mrmarket
        Originally posted by stenzrob
        What I'm always trying to do is pick 5 or 6 stocks that might be on that list next month. If one of them hits 90% to 100% and the others do nothing, it averages out to 20%/month, which is what my portfolio has been doing steadily for the last nine months.
        Sounds like the Dave Kingman strategy...I'm more like Tony Gwynn I guess.
        Just get on base, big guy, I'll bring you on home!


        • RL
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1215


          Be careful on this I lost big time.
          Ray Long


          • #6
            Re: IVAN

            Originally posted by RL
            Be careful on this I lost big time.
            You lost big on IVAN ?!
            How did you manage that?


            • tx_damnyankee0
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 24

              Re: IVAN

              Originally posted by stenzrob
              Originally posted by RL
              Be careful on this I lost big time.
              You lost big on IVAN ?!
              How did you manage that?
              I agree. I am sorry that I got out last week. Today would have been a much better day to press the button. Oh well.

