The Red Hot Market Top 5

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    The Red Hot Market Top 5

    It's been a while since I have found 5 stocks that are all extremely good, based on my model:


    They ALL scored very highly.

    Tell me what you think of these....I will buy one of them in the next few days.
    Last edited by mrmarket; 08-06-2007, 03:58 PM.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Not even close .




    • peanuts
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2006
      • 3365

      Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
      It's been a while since I have found 5 stocks that are all extremely good, based on my model:


      They ALL scored very highly.

      Tell me what you think of these....I will buy one of them in the next few days.
      NM all the way, Mr. Market.... but TWIN ain't too shabby, either
      Hide not your talents.
      They for use were made.
      What's a sundial in the shade?

      - Benjamin Franklin


      • Gatorman
        No Posting allowed; invalid email
        • Dec 2004
        • 448

        Halfway Home

        Originally posted by peanuts View Post
        NM all the way, Mr. Market.... but TWIN ain't too shabby, either
        If the choice was NM, it's up 8.22% today and is halfway already.


        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5319

          speaking of halfway there...

          VSEC is also up about 8% since $$MM bought it. This one will be hitting the 15% target very soon, imo.

          NM seems to be moving in tandem with EXM (only with a better R-squared), probably due to the rising tide factor, if you catch my ¨drift¨.


          • rivercitydan

            Nm Is An Ok Stock

            But not for me.

            I would pick TBSI. It is better and cheaper.

            I wouldn't buy tomorrow as it is up big today.


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              NM Beautiful UP Chart

              NM is undervalued , good growth ......ya gotta like it


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                It's been a while since I have found 5 stocks that are all extremely good, based on my model:

                CAE NM PED TWIN VDSI

                They ALL scored very highly.

                Tell me what you think of these....I will buy one of them in the next few days.
                VDSI should do well in a couple days....


                • rookietrader
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 6

                  a question about NM's sales growth

                  Hello All,

                  Long-time reader, 1st-time poster here. I'm relatively new to trading, compared to the wealth of experience here on this site. I've definitely learned a lot by reading numerous senior members' comments, picking up on some analysis techniques here & there, and I'm slowly coming up to speed when it comes to "due diligence" and just basically researching the "value" of a company's stock. So, I'm not sure if this question is too much of a beginner-level type of question for this forum but after all, I am rookietrader

                  The question has to do with NM's sales growth with respect to profit. When comparing FY07 Q1 to FY06 Q1, sales grew from $49.17m to $101.84m (ie, 107%), while gross profit grew from $24.73m to $35.24 (ie, 42%). This is a huge decrease in gross margin, and I'm trying to understand why. I don't see any negative press releases over the last year, nothing but good news really. Maybe they reinvested the extra profit into new equipment, facilities expansions, etc.? Also, their total net receivables has increased significantly over the past few quarters. I understand the stock is relatively new. Is this just simply something that happens as sales increase, or does it show that they're not collecting on their customers' accounts as efficiently as they have in the past (ie, a company management issue)?

                  Are these signals that this might not be a good stock to buy after all, or is quite the opposite when considering how new the stock is? I guess, to be more sure of the answer to that question, one would need to research more into the root causes for the changes in their financials and I don't have the resources so I thought I'd just post the question and see if anyone on this forum has some insight. Maybe these numbers don't really carry much weight when you're looking to buy & sell on more of a momentum basis than long-term value, perhaps? As I said, just thought I'd ask.


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by rookietrader View Post
                    Hello All,

                    Long-time reader, 1st-time poster here. I'm relatively new to trading, compared to the wealth of experience here on this site. I've definitely learned a lot by reading numerous senior members' comments, picking up on some analysis techniques here & there, and I'm slowly coming up to speed when it comes to "due diligence" and just basically researching the "value" of a company's stock. So, I'm not sure if this question is too much of a beginner-level type of question for this forum but after all, I am rookietrader

                    The question has to do with NM's sales growth with respect to profit. When comparing FY07 Q1 to FY06 Q1, sales grew from $49.17m to $101.84m (ie, 107%), while gross profit grew from $24.73m to $35.24 (ie, 42%). This is a huge decrease in gross margin, and I'm trying to understand why. I don't see any negative press releases over the last year, nothing but good news really. Maybe they reinvested the extra profit into new equipment, facilities expansions, etc.? Also, their total net receivables has increased significantly over the past few quarters. I understand the stock is relatively new. Is this just simply something that happens as sales increase, or does it show that they're not collecting on their customers' accounts as efficiently as they have in the past (ie, a company management issue)?

                    Are these signals that this might not be a good stock to buy after all, or is quite the opposite when considering how new the stock is? I guess, to be more sure of the answer to that question, one would need to research more into the root causes for the changes in their financials and I don't have the resources so I thought I'd just post the question and see if anyone on this forum has some insight. Maybe these numbers don't really carry much weight when you're looking to buy & sell on more of a momentum basis than long-term value, perhaps? As I said, just thought I'd ask.
                    Hi Rookie...I beg to disagree with you...Your question is not a Beginner Question...IMO...It is a very Complex question...And a very good one at that.

                    I know nothing about NM and I'm not gonna research it...But, you bring up a good point.

                    My typical example that I look for is not exact to your question but it is similar...I hear a lot of people get turned off by a co. that has a rising eps on reduced revenue(sales)...I actually am intrigued by numbers like that...By just looking at the numbers you cannot tell...But the first things that come to mind when I see that is ...Are they reducing unneeded overhead...Are they marketing better...Have they reduced production costs...Are they eliminating less profitable products???...In other words...Are they getting Lean & Mean???

                    It takes some searching and digging to find out the answers(And most times you never will)...And remember...Top execs can profit in many ways...All the answers are not found in PR's...I suggest calling the company's IR dept...For a quick trade that is a waste of time...But if you are interested in a longer term hold...You may have to make many calls to get a return call...I have found that it is worth the effort.

                    I owned Shoe Carnival a few years ago and I called this woman about once a week in their IR Dept...She never spilled anything that she shouldn't have(Darn...Some do)...But she did give me some info sometimes that I may not have found on my own.

                    For a long term large buy I'd say your dd consists of more than Yahoo Finance...But then again...I don't make many of those anymore so I just find what I can on the Fly.

                    Best, Doug(IIC)
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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