My Dell PC is running very very SSSLLLOOOWWW. An IT guy in Manila said that maybe I don't have enough RAM for all the big programs I am trying to run. This is the current data from Windows Task Manager, running Scottrade Elite, McAfee updated version, Microsoft Outlook and Word. (When I try running Interactive Brokers on top of that it freezes.)
My CPU’s are running at 25% or less (sometimes around 2%)
My PF Usage is 687 MB
Commit Charge: 695M/939M
Physical Memory (K) is 251,980
Available is around 33,000 (now less than 16,000)
System Cache is 60,128 (now 58,520)
Kernel Memory (K) total 56,552
Paged 42,264
Nonpaged 14,292
Commit Charge (K)
Total 707,472
Limit 961,584
Peak 873,940
Not sure what all of this means, but looks like I might have a problem?
Help please, if you can? If I have to buy more memory, how much do you suggest? How do I physically install it, i.e. how do I get inside this PC to do it? Riverbabe
My CPU’s are running at 25% or less (sometimes around 2%)
My PF Usage is 687 MB
Commit Charge: 695M/939M
Physical Memory (K) is 251,980
Available is around 33,000 (now less than 16,000)
System Cache is 60,128 (now 58,520)
Kernel Memory (K) total 56,552
Paged 42,264
Nonpaged 14,292
Commit Charge (K)
Total 707,472
Limit 961,584
Peak 873,940
Not sure what all of this means, but looks like I might have a problem?
Help please, if you can? If I have to buy more memory, how much do you suggest? How do I physically install it, i.e. how do I get inside this PC to do it? Riverbabe