You've probably got more expertise and knowledge on this subject than most. Was just reading in the Cleveland Plain Dealer a comparison between Silicon Valley and the rest of the country. I suspect that California as a whole could generally be grouped in with Silicon Valley, but with say a 45% smaller evaluation. The median income of the Valley inhabitants is approximately 53% greater than the rest of the U.S. yet their homes are valued at 3 1/2 times that of the average American. The article goes on to give case studies of single digit millionaires working themselves to death in order to maintain the lifestyle with little or no retirement prospects in the future at least in the same geographical area. This looks like a disaster with no end in site. People are losing jobs and homes in Ohio and you had a link showing the low evaluation to begin with in Cleveland and nearby. How can California possibly withstand this crunch?
You've probably got more expertise and knowledge on this subject than most. Was just reading in the Cleveland Plain Dealer a comparison between Silicon Valley and the rest of the country. I suspect that California as a whole could generally be grouped in with Silicon Valley, but with say a 45% smaller evaluation. The median income of the Valley inhabitants is approximately 53% greater than the rest of the U.S. yet their homes are valued at 3 1/2 times that of the average American. The article goes on to give case studies of single digit millionaires working themselves to death in order to maintain the lifestyle with little or no retirement prospects in the future at least in the same geographical area. This looks like a disaster with no end in site. People are losing jobs and homes in Ohio and you had a link showing the low evaluation to begin with in Cleveland and nearby. How can California possibly withstand this crunch?