Stock Watch

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  • MotherLoad
    • Oct 2007
    • 208

    Stock Watch

    tmta up 10 had a nice run, but not suggesting a buy now
    was thinking of short.

    On watch for bottom reversal won starting a feeler

  • #2
    I don't know much about trading these huge jumps, but I would not want to hold a short position in TMTA at this point for anything more than a quick trade on volatility. The settlement they reached with Intel is huge for TMTA, immediately and going forward. Not just for the $20M/yr for 5 years from Intel, but that this also gives TMTA a strong position in any negotiations they may be involved in with other chipmakers. TMTA certainly has an interesting history.

    At $14.99, their market cap is only $150M, same as the immediate payment due from Intel. Then, what's the value of $20M/yr for 5 years minus outstanding debt. I don't know, haven't figured it.

    It bears a look, thanks for bringing it up, Mom.

