According to Daniel Estulin ( An Author) who was just interviewed on Coast To Coast Am Radio there exists a secretive group called the Bilderbergers . There basic goal appears to be a "One World" "One religion" dominated society. Has anyone heard of the "Bilderbergers'? They are not relgious themselves but realize people need religion as a crutch to function....and it will remain as a necessary evil to achieve their ultimate goal ......basically a quest for power , money and domination of the world. Sounds like an old story.
More information can be found at this site listed below. Is this guy just another conspiracy NUT, or is there something here?.......Please comment so that we may learn .....If oil really goes to $130 per barrel .......we all can make some NICE money here!
The site is
Check it out ......INTERESTING to say the least!
More information can be found at this site listed below. Is this guy just another conspiracy NUT, or is there something here?.......Please comment so that we may learn .....If oil really goes to $130 per barrel .......we all can make some NICE money here!
The site is
Check it out ......INTERESTING to say the least!