Could a house really drop 43% by 2011......who knows? .....but in some areas this may be true . Mr Addsion Wiggan of course is trying to sell you his publication ......I do not subscribe to it , and will not ......but if you do and are not satisfied he will return the $99 yearly subscription price up to the LAST day of your subscription.
Well if you believe that houses are headed lower ......merely BUY Profunds Ulta Short ETFs .....specifically SKF...It Ultra shorts Financials, and SRS it ultra shorts Real estate.
Here is the Pitch ..... it is an interesting read and U will learn something .
Well if you believe that houses are headed lower ......merely BUY Profunds Ulta Short ETFs .....specifically SKF...It Ultra shorts Financials, and SRS it ultra shorts Real estate.
Here is the Pitch ..... it is an interesting read and U will learn something .