Marl the Stock Trading Robot is a SCAM .......DON'T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON THAT CRAP. READ BELOW If you got scammed contact your credit card company for a refund!
Marl Stock Robot= Scam!!
MARL Another Satisfied Customer LOL
Guys and gals read this ....I am not just blowing smoke out of my hat.
" Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Doubling Stocks -- Marl the Magical Robot":
I tried it. Guess what? "MARL" scans the stock database and comes up with a magic stock that will double. Scrolling back up the list of stocks he scans, the selected stock is NOT in the scanned list! Where does this stock come from? Approximately 25 megabytes of download and you get NOTHING - just a simple scrolling list of "scanning stocks" when a search is initiated, and then the magic stock is pulled out of thin air. This is the biggest load of BS I've ever been duped into believing. I want my money back! Oh, and the newsletter? after 4 weeks, not one yet. BS! BS! BS!
Peter...I developed a new robot...I call him Mr. Douggles...he spit out 20 stocks yesterday 1/2 hr. before the close...But I have not had time to see how he did today:
"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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A Refund From Credit Card
A friend of mine got a refund from "Click Bank" for his MARL Program and the Doubling Stocks stockpicking newsletter. BOTH SCAMS . He filled out some paper work with his credit card company and had the money credited back to his account in about a month . Don't fall victim to this hoax. It is advertized on MR Market .......but I don't think the Big Guy is buying into that LOL !
Originally posted by Peter Hansen View PostA friend of mine got a refund from "Click Bank" for his MARL Program and the Doubling Stocks stockpicking newsletter. BOTH SCAMS . He filled out some paper work with his credit card company and had the money credited back to his account in about a month . Don't fall victim to this hoax. It is advertized on MR Market .......but I don't think the Big Guy is buying into that LOL !
This thread about MARL is now on the first page for a Google search on marl stock picking robot, or marl stock robot. That is nice for two reasons: it alerts people to the scam, and it alerts people to this site.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Karel Read This
Originally posted by Karel View PostI noticed one message, shortly after it was posted, with a link that led to MARL (from a MARL "affiliate") and "edited" the link. If you know of a live link, please let us know. We certainly can do without MARL.
This thread about MARL is now on the first page for a Google search on marl stock picking robot, or marl stock robot. That is nice for two reasons: it alerts people to the scam, and it alerts people to this site.
December 9th, 2007 14:33 If you check out our forum you will see we have come to the same conclusion that this a new age online redo of the classic pump and dump… I personally purchased the robot via Clickbank and once realized it was a scam got my refund…
I think it should be pretty clear by now that Marl is a scam, espcially as your first link points out that it is by the makers of "pokerbobby":
Nuff said.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Originally posted by stocksshock View Postyep tried it too.. well, curiousity killed the cat..
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
(You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
I noticed that the MARL thing appears quite often on the google ads on my site too"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by stocksshock View Postyep tried it too.. well, curiousity killed the cat..
I have posted a couple of sites that actually produce big time leads, setups, trades, and winners by real professional traders that I have been using for years and have the trades and profits to back it up but nary a notice or a peak at the sites from anyone here. But then they go out and spend their hard earned money to buy something like this horseshit without any qualms or reservations about it. I can only say that anyone that does this deserves whatever they get. Try this link out. SKIRACER'S STOCK SELECTIONS at the bottom of my SKIRACER'S STOCK SLOPES thread and you'll do monumentally better that any of that crap for free. I post the stocks and their charts before the actual play for your watchlists, define the plan with the entry, stops, targets, and exits all for free and it's all right there in front of you with not a drop of BS or inuendo. But yet these sites still grab your attention. I can only say that under these circumstances "birds of a feather usually flock together".THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracer View PostI find it amazing that intelligent and sophisticated traders actually buy this stuff before realizing that it is BS and then having to go thru the crap involved in getting your money back. Have you ever in your life seen where one of these advertisements actually produces.
I have posted a couple of sites that actually produce big time leads, setups, trades, and winners by real professional traders that I have been using for years and have the trades and profits to back it up but nary a notice or a peak at the sites from anyone here. But then they go out and spend their hard earned money to buy something like this horseshit without any qualms or reservations about it. I can only say that anyone that does this deserves whatever they get. Try this link out. SKIRACER'S STOCK SELECTIONS at the bottom of my SKIRACER'S STOCK SLOPES thread and you'll do monumentally better that any of that crap for free. I post the stocks and their charts before the actual play for your watchlists, define the plan with the entry, stops, targets, and exits all for free and it's all right there in front of you with not a drop of BS or inuendo. But yet these sites still grab your attention. I can only say that under these circumstances "birds of a feather usually flock together"."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Ah yes The Marl Hoax
Here is another nail in the empty coffin of the Marl scam . All I can say is that the scammers must have one big pair of Brass Balls!
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Doubling Stocks -- Marl the Magical Robot":
I downloaded marl (which can be done free at: ), and decompiled it. It does *absolutely* NO analysis whatsoever. None. Nada. Zero. It looks up one stock in there database, which is predetermined.
Make no mistake -- it's a pump & dump game. However, someone mentioned shorting the pick -- interesting idea.
/Olias Sunhillow