Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year To ALL . A Card for you !
Merry Christmas To All
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year and another card for all of you. SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
MIMO Thank You
Originally posted by mimo_100 View PostMy everyone have a blessed and holy Christmas.
This is from AL fellow stock enthusiast
Al's wife Carolyn had a bad bout with cancer and is now stable and can be with him this Christmas. Al is just so happy to have her still here with him . Count your blessings and be thankful for good health and friends .My prayers go out to Al and his wife. Merry Christmas to all. Click on the "FULL" icon to see full size and fill up your screen . The sayings and pictures are truly "SPECTACULAR"
Sheesh!!!...Maybe I'm getting old...I always wrap all my gifts on Christmas Eve afternoon...Pop open a few brewski's and go to town...Of course the last one's are wrapped pretty sloppily...But hey...They are wrapped with love...But heck...My back hurts now...LOL
I don't know about everyone else...But I went light on what I spent this year vis-a-vis the past few years...Not that money was a problem but I am not into the holidays as much as I usually am....Too much going on I guess...MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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