Let me throw this one up against the wall to see if it sticks...DMND long...Doug
Portfolio of the week - 2008
"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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CY Long
Since I'm actively day-trading this volitility, I might as well play the POTW.
I'll take CY long please....
BTW, I don't know the current rules here.
How many trades do I get?
Is the "Ca$h" rule still being used?BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
LyeHopper here is the link for the spreadsheets each week.. open this and look at the top for the rules, just click on "rules" and it will open up for you.
http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?k...j6SPstBzaK--Dg welcome to the mess...
STI long again... maybe this week I can figure out which direction it will go in a given daySmile, Stay Young, Be Happy!
Still long EXM. I couldn't participate last week because I found myself unexpectedly in a place without Internet access (and they were proud of it). Smart move!
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
(You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
What a week ! Congrats to the Greenies last week. Spike, StckyTreat, and I managed to take the top 3 spots. And already this week is turning out to be spectacular ! Seems of late you just have to decide the direction the market will go and hold on tight. Hopefully you are all making money if not in the game, though I myself have gone to cash.
Sorry I haven't updated the spreadsheet, long weekend for me with no computer access unfortunately. I'll post last weeks spreadsheet hopefully tonight.
Otherwise, will have it updated with all your picks today.
Good luck all !
Going to curse myself for this one....
ANTP.... long
Congrats to Peter Hanson, New-born Baby, and Bat !
Another tough week to trade but half of us kept our head above water.
Good luck next week, think we're going to need it
I'll pick WES long...thx...Doug(IIC)"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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