What intraday news feeds do you recommend?

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  • Clarkstondude
    • Dec 2007
    • 57

    What intraday news feeds do you recommend?

    I need to learn all over again because nothing I am doing is working now...I bailed and am all cash until I see something on the horizon.

    My trading skills went through the window the past couple weeks and I would like to know where you get your news feeds from? I need a fresh start from scratch here.
  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by Clarkstondude View Post
    I need to learn all over again because nothing I am doing is working now...I bailed and am all cash until I see something on the horizon.

    My trading skills went through the window the past couple weeks and I would like to know where you get your news feeds from? I need a fresh start from scratch here.
    I use Dow Jones...altho it is not really all that great
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    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      I think the best newswire service is a paid subscription to Briefing.com. It's now about $31.95 for the Platimum service. Everybit of news that happens comes across their wire in realtime as it happens. It is as close as you can get to the minute things happen but it costs.


      • riverbabe
        Senior Member
        • May 2005
        • 3373

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        I think the best newswire service is a paid subscription to Briefing.com. It's now about $31.95 for the Platimum service. Everybit of news that happens comes across their wire in realtime as it happens. It is as close as you can get to the minute things happen but it costs.
        Um, $319.50/mo is more like it sweet Ski. I think it's reg. about $3,000 per year, unless you can get a discount. But I love this service! The real time news many times moves the markets and you can get in ahead of the institutional moves. Also, there is so much more on the site other than the real time news -- traders trading in real time for you short term and d/t's out there, and analyses of the IBD 100 and the Emerging 50 (E50) stocks, etc. etc. etc. Disclaimer: I'm just a subscriber. Have no other interest in this service. River


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
          Um, $319.50/mo is more like it sweet Ski. I think it's reg. about $3,000 per year, unless you can get a discount. But I love this service! The real time news many times moves the markets and you can get in ahead of the institutional moves. Also, there is so much more on the site other than the real time news -- traders trading in real time for you short term and d/t's out there, and analyses of the IBD 100 and the Emerging 50 (E50) stocks, etc. etc. etc. Disclaimer: I'm just a subscriber. Have no other interest in this service. River
          I was just quoting the price for the newswire service. You have and Trader's service which is $319.00 per month but they give you the leads and trades with that service plus much more. PM'ed you just a bit ago. Get back to me please.


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Why Spend Money?

            I find most of those newswire feeds a big waste of money ....unless you can act immediately on the news. Simply go to www.bigcharts.com.....select stocks reaching their 52 week highs from the NYSE, NASDAQ and the AMEX , with good UPTRENDING charts ....you will do well !


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
              I find most of those newswire feeds a big waste of money ....unless you can act immediately on the news. Simply go to www.bigcharts.com.....select stocks reaching their 52 week highs from the NYSE, NASDAQ and the AMEX , with good UPTRENDING charts ....you will do well !
              I use Briefing.com and believe me when I say that Briefing.com's TRADING SERVICE Newswire package is worth every cent. It is completely realtime with the news and the guys who do the trades are on top of their strategies. The chart guy is as good as i have seen and if you spent 6 months reading and playing his setups you would be far ahead of the subscription price plus you would be educated pretty good with the technical side of reading charts and the patterns that are good plays. All the in and outs of a good chartist and why. You can get that for $31.50 or so a month plus the realtime newswire service that is a rolling tape just like this post on every financial news event that happens during the day and after hours for a couple of hours with a time stamp and heading. The traders who write for the service trade different styles and types of stocks so there is a decent selection of about 4/5 different types of trades going on. It is an education for sure for the $319.50 per mo. but if you trade and are there for the use of the service other than just reading and procrastinating about the setups and plays then it's for that individual because they will surely do well.
              I use Barcharts.com extensively for everything they offer. I always go thru their sectors looking for good charts. I have Bigcharts on my favs list. They also offer alot for free.

