Are you a user of this board, happy to be here and to profit from all suggestions, and wondering how you could give something back? Here is your chance: the POTW will need a new keeper come April. See this post in the POTW thread.
What is required? Well, time. Strictly speaking you only need to post the final results each week, but daily results really keep the interest going. The grabbing of the daily close prices is largely automated, but you will need to look for entries and exits by players by hand. Past Keepers of the POTW will be glad to help you out with their spreadsheets and advice.
Currently intraday entries and exits are allowed, but you, as Keeper of the POTW, may disallow them, and generally change the rules of the POTW as you please, as long as it remains a Pick(s) of the Week contest. You will be judge and jury, and executioner too, in your very own jurisdiction.
If you find you have the time and inclination, by all means embellish your reports as much as you want, but that is not the point of keeping the POTW and not necessary. It is much appreciated, but it may cost so much more time that the whole experience might go sour on you. So that is way down the list.
The participants in the POTW (who always welcome more competition, by the way) are breathlessly awaiting your announcement that you will be their (hopefully benevolent) tyrant for as long as you please.
What is required? Well, time. Strictly speaking you only need to post the final results each week, but daily results really keep the interest going. The grabbing of the daily close prices is largely automated, but you will need to look for entries and exits by players by hand. Past Keepers of the POTW will be glad to help you out with their spreadsheets and advice.
Currently intraday entries and exits are allowed, but you, as Keeper of the POTW, may disallow them, and generally change the rules of the POTW as you please, as long as it remains a Pick(s) of the Week contest. You will be judge and jury, and executioner too, in your very own jurisdiction.
If you find you have the time and inclination, by all means embellish your reports as much as you want, but that is not the point of keeping the POTW and not necessary. It is much appreciated, but it may cost so much more time that the whole experience might go sour on you. So that is way down the list.
The participants in the POTW (who always welcome more competition, by the way) are breathlessly awaiting your announcement that you will be their (hopefully benevolent) tyrant for as long as you please.