New York Governor Elliot Spitzer was cheered on wall street yesterday when the news on CNBC announced ......the apparently "I have Sinned Governor" was on TV Admitting to some ahem......wrong doing.
Apparently he transported some strumpet to Washington for a personal ,virtuoso
"SKIN FLUTE " performance at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. The man ws hated my most and loved by few ...maybe not even his wife? He had ruined many lives in order to enhance his own career and boost himself politically.
I firmly believe that what goes around comes around .......and such was the case for him!
I never admire political figures or sports heroes..the people I admire most ae my parents .......because they were ALWAYS there when I needed them .
Apparently he transported some strumpet to Washington for a personal ,virtuoso
"SKIN FLUTE " performance at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. The man ws hated my most and loved by few ...maybe not even his wife? He had ruined many lives in order to enhance his own career and boost himself politically.
I firmly believe that what goes around comes around .......and such was the case for him!
I never admire political figures or sports heroes..the people I admire most ae my parents .......because they were ALWAYS there when I needed them .