I'm kind of a "Lone Ranger" in my world of friends as far as investing is concerned. And I'm trying to figure out what everyone is using software-wise for testing or charting stocks.
Unfortunately I'm under the larger investment limits for most brokerages I believe for truly good/free software, such as Scottrade's $25,000 requirement. I'm playing with only about 3k of cash.
I have found that stockcharts.com is great for charting, and the Wall Street Analyzer is good for backtesting.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm trying to do backtesting at low cost
Thanks ahead of time !
Unfortunately I'm under the larger investment limits for most brokerages I believe for truly good/free software, such as Scottrade's $25,000 requirement. I'm playing with only about 3k of cash.
I have found that stockcharts.com is great for charting, and the Wall Street Analyzer is good for backtesting.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm trying to do backtesting at low cost
