Ladies and Gentlemen this Teaser Ad . Verrrrrry interesting ! Let me know what you think? I bet you are dying to know what it is? .......well pete with my good friends at has figured it all out for ya .....Enjoy reading The Gumshoe!
“Forever Battery ” Debuts Today in NYC!
History is About to Change!
Your Daily Market Beat
History In The Making
--Tim Fields
In the beginning of March, we brought our members of Untapped Wealth a battery company that we knew would bring big things to the profit table. We have been discussing this company frequently recently for good reason- today they are making history.
After More Than 200
Years One Company Has
Revolutionized Batteries…
their patented technology will so on make its way into every cell phone, iPOD, computer and car. It will change batteries forever…leaving millionaires in its wake!
The company has invented a smart nano battery that is in process of revolutionizing the very battery industry we know today, which is a welcome relief, after more than 208 years since its invention and the slow evolution it has experienced since.
The company focused on developing and commercializing a new battery technology based on a well-patented battery phenomenon.
The difference between the nano battery and batteries like energizer and Duracell is that the nano battery has an indefinite shelf life whereas typical (old school) batteries like the coppertop do indeed have a shelf life and as time wears on, their power fades.
So I think you can see the potential here- this is huge!
Today, April 3, 2008, the company we brought you is set to deliver a demonstration for the first time in history, a significant breakthrough in battery technology enabled by micro-fluidics.
The meeting is taking place in NY City this morning and we fully expect that after it takes place and the industry gets a whiff of what’s cooking, that this stock has the potential to skyrocket.
Already, members who took our recommendation to buy have hit the 100% mark- but ladies and gentlemen, 100% is absolutely nothing compared to what I think will happen with this stock.
The stock currently sits well under $.30 per share and I believe that it has the potential to hit $5 per share in the very sort term.
This is why you should care- Have a look at the following scenarios:
If the stocks hits $0.48 per share, we looking at 300% in profit
At $1.08, we’ll see 800% in profits
A quick ride to $4.92 could net 4,000%!
And those scenarios are all feasible because the battery industry is a multi billion dollar a year industry and it is growing every day.
From 2001 to 2006, we saw it double every year in size. With technology today pushing the limits, it will only get larger and larger as gadgets get smaller and smarter.
The sheer power of this company is basically limitless and has the potential to make people millionaires. Question is, are you going to be one of them?
If you want to be on the track to potential limitless profits, follow this link to our membership page to gain access to this amazing company before it’s too late.
*Members of Untapped Wealth- this is an exciting day for us, so stay tuned for an alert later today as we expect to see some larger than usual volume today!
Have a great day!
Drop Everything And Read This Now
It may mean the difference between a paltry retirement and the life of luxury…
Forget Microsoft, forget Google, this stock will become legendary.
You don’t want to miss the single greatest opportunity of your lifetime.
Read this FREE Report HERE, it will increase your wealth!
After 208 Years One Company Has Rewritten History
--Eric Dickson
As you fully know by now, today is the day of days, and our favorite battery company, heck, our favorite stock of the year, is set to demonstrate their patented nano battery and take batteries light years ahead of where they were yesterday.
You see, in the last 2 centuries technology has created phenomenons, like space travel, the internet, robots, and thousands of other inventions, but sadly, one thing has stayed behind the curve, and consequently, has limited technologies growth.
But now, that is all about to change, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Technology is getting so advanced that batteries of the past just aren’t cutting it anymore.
Gadgets are getting smaller and smarter, and there is an overwhelming demand for the battery to adapt so we can move to the next stage in the technological evolution.
Now we can because this company’s patented battery uses nanotechnology to unlock the centuries old mystery that has plagued batteries- and that is shelf life and size.
Think about it, every day in every aspect you come in contact with things that need power, imagine if we could extend the life off all that, while making it more compact and mobile.
Here's How You Can Quickly Turn $6,000
Into $223,680… Or More.
This small-cap company just signed a mega deal with Wal-Mart that virtually assures its stock could soon double, triple or quadruple.
Factor in the contracts they’ve signed with Wal-Mart’s biggest rival Target, three of the world’s top auto makers and two of the world’s top defense contractors and this stock could jump as much as 3600%.
Learn why Microsoft recently granted this small-cap company “Certified Partner” status and why its stock could turn $6,000 into $223,680 or more.
Because that is the trend today- everything is mobile, like smart cell phones, iPODs, you name it. The demand in the electronics market alone is staggering, there is the potential of move into the next stage of evolution, and this company stands at the steps of billions of dollars just waiting for someone to knock- well knock they will.
Outside of electronics, think about the applications in military, space, travel- anything, I just can’t stress enough how important batteries are to everyone in
the world, and how they just haven’t been able to
have a breakthrough until now.
What other product do you know of will be used by virtually every human on this planet, in thousands of different products, in hundreds of industries? More than that, a product that will literally rewrite history.
That is what we are about to witness today with the “Forever Battery,” a brand new battery with unlimited shelf life that is smaller than a pin.
This battery is the future and everyone will want it because it will open up a new frontier in technology that up until today has been limited because of the old battery.
No more will batteries be the Achilles Heel of technology, it will now be the savior.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity, simple enough. Go directly to our membership subscription page (if you already haven’t) and get in as the ink dries on our history books.
Have a very profitable day!
Your Trinity Investment Research team
“Forever Battery ” Debuts Today in NYC!
History is About to Change!
Your Daily Market Beat
History In The Making
--Tim Fields
In the beginning of March, we brought our members of Untapped Wealth a battery company that we knew would bring big things to the profit table. We have been discussing this company frequently recently for good reason- today they are making history.
After More Than 200
Years One Company Has
Revolutionized Batteries…
their patented technology will so on make its way into every cell phone, iPOD, computer and car. It will change batteries forever…leaving millionaires in its wake!
The company has invented a smart nano battery that is in process of revolutionizing the very battery industry we know today, which is a welcome relief, after more than 208 years since its invention and the slow evolution it has experienced since.
The company focused on developing and commercializing a new battery technology based on a well-patented battery phenomenon.
The difference between the nano battery and batteries like energizer and Duracell is that the nano battery has an indefinite shelf life whereas typical (old school) batteries like the coppertop do indeed have a shelf life and as time wears on, their power fades.
So I think you can see the potential here- this is huge!
Today, April 3, 2008, the company we brought you is set to deliver a demonstration for the first time in history, a significant breakthrough in battery technology enabled by micro-fluidics.
The meeting is taking place in NY City this morning and we fully expect that after it takes place and the industry gets a whiff of what’s cooking, that this stock has the potential to skyrocket.
Already, members who took our recommendation to buy have hit the 100% mark- but ladies and gentlemen, 100% is absolutely nothing compared to what I think will happen with this stock.
The stock currently sits well under $.30 per share and I believe that it has the potential to hit $5 per share in the very sort term.
This is why you should care- Have a look at the following scenarios:
If the stocks hits $0.48 per share, we looking at 300% in profit
At $1.08, we’ll see 800% in profits
A quick ride to $4.92 could net 4,000%!
And those scenarios are all feasible because the battery industry is a multi billion dollar a year industry and it is growing every day.
From 2001 to 2006, we saw it double every year in size. With technology today pushing the limits, it will only get larger and larger as gadgets get smaller and smarter.
The sheer power of this company is basically limitless and has the potential to make people millionaires. Question is, are you going to be one of them?
If you want to be on the track to potential limitless profits, follow this link to our membership page to gain access to this amazing company before it’s too late.
*Members of Untapped Wealth- this is an exciting day for us, so stay tuned for an alert later today as we expect to see some larger than usual volume today!
Have a great day!
Drop Everything And Read This Now
It may mean the difference between a paltry retirement and the life of luxury…
Forget Microsoft, forget Google, this stock will become legendary.
You don’t want to miss the single greatest opportunity of your lifetime.
Read this FREE Report HERE, it will increase your wealth!
After 208 Years One Company Has Rewritten History
--Eric Dickson
As you fully know by now, today is the day of days, and our favorite battery company, heck, our favorite stock of the year, is set to demonstrate their patented nano battery and take batteries light years ahead of where they were yesterday.
You see, in the last 2 centuries technology has created phenomenons, like space travel, the internet, robots, and thousands of other inventions, but sadly, one thing has stayed behind the curve, and consequently, has limited technologies growth.
But now, that is all about to change, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Technology is getting so advanced that batteries of the past just aren’t cutting it anymore.
Gadgets are getting smaller and smarter, and there is an overwhelming demand for the battery to adapt so we can move to the next stage in the technological evolution.
Now we can because this company’s patented battery uses nanotechnology to unlock the centuries old mystery that has plagued batteries- and that is shelf life and size.
Think about it, every day in every aspect you come in contact with things that need power, imagine if we could extend the life off all that, while making it more compact and mobile.
Here's How You Can Quickly Turn $6,000
Into $223,680… Or More.
This small-cap company just signed a mega deal with Wal-Mart that virtually assures its stock could soon double, triple or quadruple.
Factor in the contracts they’ve signed with Wal-Mart’s biggest rival Target, three of the world’s top auto makers and two of the world’s top defense contractors and this stock could jump as much as 3600%.
Learn why Microsoft recently granted this small-cap company “Certified Partner” status and why its stock could turn $6,000 into $223,680 or more.
Because that is the trend today- everything is mobile, like smart cell phones, iPODs, you name it. The demand in the electronics market alone is staggering, there is the potential of move into the next stage of evolution, and this company stands at the steps of billions of dollars just waiting for someone to knock- well knock they will.
Outside of electronics, think about the applications in military, space, travel- anything, I just can’t stress enough how important batteries are to everyone in
the world, and how they just haven’t been able to
have a breakthrough until now.
What other product do you know of will be used by virtually every human on this planet, in thousands of different products, in hundreds of industries? More than that, a product that will literally rewrite history.
That is what we are about to witness today with the “Forever Battery,” a brand new battery with unlimited shelf life that is smaller than a pin.
This battery is the future and everyone will want it because it will open up a new frontier in technology that up until today has been limited because of the old battery.
No more will batteries be the Achilles Heel of technology, it will now be the savior.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity, simple enough. Go directly to our membership subscription page (if you already haven’t) and get in as the ink dries on our history books.
Have a very profitable day!
Your Trinity Investment Research team