Will ALL Honest politicians ...please rise ......aha, just as I thought ...nobody standing LOL!
Peter Porter in his free publication "The S&A Digest" expresses his feelings about Politicians ......Peter does not mince words. Here are some of his comments as printed in the 7/19/08 letter.
"Porter comment: Excusing the politicians because they're elected is like forgiving a wife-beater because he loves his wife. The evil men in Washington have wrecked our economy, destroyed our currency, and created a culture of entitlement and excuses – not to mention what's happened to everything else in the public sphere, from schools to roads. They deserve every foul word I uttered, and many, many more. If things end up like I think they might, my words will be the least of their problems. The American people are well-armed... and will have a right to be angry.
Noted statesmen and former owner of a gay bordello, Barney Frank (who happens to chair the House banking committee) is using this crisis to push through his $3 billion gravy train. The bill would create "block grants" – essentially a slush fund for politicians – that would be funded "off balance sheet" by taxing Fannie and Freddie's mortgage holdings.
Bush had threatened to veto the bill because of this rider, but the crisis at Freddie and Fannie now make that impossible. Also, under cover of the crisis, our dear friend Nancy Pelosi repealed most of the new ethics rules passed to great fanfare on the Democrats' first day in power. Of course, the rollback of lobbyist disclosure rules happened late last night, when hopefully no one would notice. These are your elected officials, dear subscribers. Aren't they noble?"
Peter Porter in his free publication "The S&A Digest" expresses his feelings about Politicians ......Peter does not mince words. Here are some of his comments as printed in the 7/19/08 letter.
"Porter comment: Excusing the politicians because they're elected is like forgiving a wife-beater because he loves his wife. The evil men in Washington have wrecked our economy, destroyed our currency, and created a culture of entitlement and excuses – not to mention what's happened to everything else in the public sphere, from schools to roads. They deserve every foul word I uttered, and many, many more. If things end up like I think they might, my words will be the least of their problems. The American people are well-armed... and will have a right to be angry.
Noted statesmen and former owner of a gay bordello, Barney Frank (who happens to chair the House banking committee) is using this crisis to push through his $3 billion gravy train. The bill would create "block grants" – essentially a slush fund for politicians – that would be funded "off balance sheet" by taxing Fannie and Freddie's mortgage holdings.
Bush had threatened to veto the bill because of this rider, but the crisis at Freddie and Fannie now make that impossible. Also, under cover of the crisis, our dear friend Nancy Pelosi repealed most of the new ethics rules passed to great fanfare on the Democrats' first day in power. Of course, the rollback of lobbyist disclosure rules happened late last night, when hopefully no one would notice. These are your elected officials, dear subscribers. Aren't they noble?"