The 750 Billion Dollar Hold-UP ?

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    The 750 Billion Dollar Hold-UP ?

    As the Bush Bail out plan makes its way through congress.......some say we "COULD" eventually make Trillions ......but Alex Jones thinks it is all a big SCAM. Who is right? .....unfortunately only time will tell.

    "Economic Collapse & the NWO
    Alternative media activist Alex Jones discussed the pending economic collapse and its relation to the New World Order. Several years ago, he warned that banks were planning to artificially implode the subprime mortgages, and now we've seen that come to pass.

    A thousand trillion in fake assets were leveraged out by select international private banks, who used the "false paper" to buy up things such as media companies, defense contractors, shipping companies, and mines -- then the real assets were "fenced" into key infrastructure leaving the big brokerage firms and banks as hollow fronts ready to fall, Jones explained. The public is then told "you will be in a depression," unless you sign on for the bailout, he continued.

    The proposed $700 billion federal bailout plan will actually end up costing $5 trillion, he declared. This plan, if enacted, will lead to 20-40% inflation in the next 2-4 years, and the military/police will be employed for crowd control in the face of civil unrest (related article), Jones cautioned. He also spoke about "false flag" events such as a faked UFO landing-- a New World Order plan to instill mass panic and control. Such an event could be enabled by the Pentagon's giant hologram projection systems, he noted. "

    Controls are in place to control crowds should a financial collapse ensue.

    Read This!
    The #1 Independent news service in the world, battling globalism and promoting a pro-human future worldwide. Infowars is Tomorrow's News Today.

    P.S> Have a Beautiful Day!
  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    Keynesian Economics

    What the USA needs is more deficient spending, more pork barrel bills, more taxes, higher unemployment, more socialism. And we're getting it in spades from this Congress and this President.

    Collapse is imminent.
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      New Born I Feel The Same Way !

      Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
      What the USA needs is more deficient spending, more pork barrel bills, more taxes, higher unemployment, more socialism. And we're getting it in spades from this Congress and this President.

      Collapse is imminent.

      New Born I live conservatvely , my mortgage is paid off , all credit cards have no balance , I never ran to the bank to refinance my mortgage free home .......I had more common sense. The question remains ......WHY should we bail out all the STUPID people.........makes no sense to me!


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
        New Born I live conservatvely , my mortgage is paid off , all credit cards have no balance , I never ran to the bank to refinance my mortgage free home .......I had more common sense. The question remains ......WHY should we bail out all the STUPID people.........makes no sense to me!
        The emails on Capital Hill are running 200:1 AGAINST the bailout.

        I also live conservatively: paid cash for my house; no credit card balances, pay cash for autos, etc. Congrats on living like you are supposed to live!

        The last thing Clinton did in office was pardon 1,500 criminals. The next to last thing he did--the day before he left office--was to revoke the lending laws that were installed in 1933 to protect us from this kind of idiocy. And I think Obama wins in a landslide, and we'll get much more of the same. Where I live the signs for Obama number about 100. There is only one sign supporting McCain. Conclusion: stick a fork in him, because he's done.

        All republics die the same kind of death: bankruptcy of the govt treasury. And they all last about the same length of time: about 200 years or so. Remember our govt started on 17 Sept 1787 with the adoption of the constitution.
        Last edited by New-born baby; 09-26-2008, 11:03 AM.
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095

          It ain't over

          Don't forget, people: our fine leaders have spent Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security into oblivion. And they haven't yet collapsed like WaMu, AIG, Beare-Stearns, etc. Just wait until all this fails, too.
          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • New-born baby
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 6095

            A couple of months ago a man came to me and told me this story. He tells me that he hasn't worked in twenty years--he's on disability, but getting $430 per month. His wife is on the dole for $1100 per month. They have no savings. Someone approached them about buying a house with zero down and zero closing costs. So they did. And they've been in that house now for 14 months and have yet to make the first payment.

            He asked me to give him some money. Should I? lol
            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
              New Born I live conservatvely , my mortgage is paid off , all credit cards have no balance , I never ran to the bank to refinance my mortgage free home .......I had more common sense. The question remains ......WHY should we bail out all the STUPID people.........makes no sense to me!

              I agree with you guys and live the same way...but:

              If a crack addict burns his house down because he was manufacturing drugs in his basement, no one is going to rush to put out the fire...

              but...if that fire burns down the neighborhood well then you need to put out the fire before the people who have paid for their homes suffer.

              The Republican argument against the bailout is sane but....they are in the holier than thou position sitting at the top of their castle and thinking that the invisible hand of the market will take of itself and those that screwed up will pay the price. This time the invisible hand will come in the form of a wave that will wash their sand castle away, with them on top.


              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • New-born baby
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 6095

                Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                I agree with you guys and live the same way...but:

                If a crack addict burns his house down because he was manufacturing drugs in his basement, no one is going to rush to put out the fire...

                but...if that fire burns down the neighborhood well then you need to put out the fire before the people who have paid for their homes suffer.

                The Republican argument against the bailout is sane but....they are in the holier than thou position sitting at the top of their castle and thinking that the invisible hand of the market will take of itself and those that screwed up will pay the price. This time the invisible hand will come in the form of a wave that will wash their sand castle away, with them on top.

                Yes, I agree. I don't think any bailout will stop the hurricane washing away the economic might of the USA. We have shot our wad and become the next Britain: a has-been.
                pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                • peanuts
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2006
                  • 3365

                  Who cares what THEY do... it's what YOU do that matters.

                  The good thing is the trade... bailout package decided by Monday, means good news for the market. no bailout = bad news for the market.

                  Trade accordingly until something changes...
                  Hide not your talents.
                  They for use were made.
                  What's a sundial in the shade?

                  - Benjamin Franklin

