The bottom is near....when Joe Six pack watches the news and tells his broker to sell all of his stocks, there isn't anything left to sell.
When T-Bills are paying 0.1% interest, there is no place to put your money.
When banks are offering CD's at 4% interest in order to build their deposits and fatten their balance sheets, money will begin to flow in that direction.
Capitalism works. The invisible hand of the market work. The market forces are at work.
GM is at $5 per share...if they go bankrupt, do you think their factories will close completely? Who's gonna make the cars?
The difference between now and 1929 is that we see, hear and feel everything happening instantaneously. The info is out there for all of us to absorb immediately. It is psychology that is taking the market down..recovery has to come faster when the damaged psyche is healed.
The "financial crisis" doesn't mean the car is broken, it just means there is no gas in the tank.
It's temporary.
DOW 10,000 in 2010. You saw it here first.
When T-Bills are paying 0.1% interest, there is no place to put your money.
When banks are offering CD's at 4% interest in order to build their deposits and fatten their balance sheets, money will begin to flow in that direction.
Capitalism works. The invisible hand of the market work. The market forces are at work.
GM is at $5 per share...if they go bankrupt, do you think their factories will close completely? Who's gonna make the cars?
The difference between now and 1929 is that we see, hear and feel everything happening instantaneously. The info is out there for all of us to absorb immediately. It is psychology that is taking the market down..recovery has to come faster when the damaged psyche is healed.
The "financial crisis" doesn't mean the car is broken, it just means there is no gas in the tank.
It's temporary.
DOW 10,000 in 2010. You saw it here first.