Stenz - need your suggestion

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  • Stenz - need your suggestion

    I've identified and taken a position in GTEC - a "China play". It looks like a great story, revenues et al. My big question is why is it still in the penny range? I suspect I'm missing something here. I respect your opinion and would appreciate it.

    Thanks Stenz.


  • #2
    Information is hard to come by, but from what I can see, despite a lot of talk about enabling technology transfer, blah, blah, blah, basically they resell computers. Gross margin is about 10%, and they're not profitable. I see nothing compelling here.


    • #3
      Thanks Stenz - appreciate it. What about all the talk of JV's in new China initiatives and helping companies enter China? That's what sold me on the story, but the technicals seem to give me a different story...



      • #4
        Actually, the technicals look very good. Up days on bigger volume than down days. Money flowing into the stock. Chartwise, it's exactly the kind of nice pullback off a run to a high that I love to buy on. It's just that I can't find enough information on which to base a warm fuzzy feeling about it. I see it was up again today on larger than average volume.


        • #5

          There's the link I was looking at - it shows negative money flow. Sinc I'm new to investing, my guess is that I'm interpreting something incorrectly.

          Please advise Stenz - although I was surprised to see the kind of pop in the stock yesterday. Guess you are lucky... watch out for your reco on all my holdings

          Look forward to the money flow response...


          • #6
            I don't look at CMF much, don't really understand it.
            Again, the chart looks good to me, I just don't know enough about the company and their financials to make a commitment to it. Good luck with it.

