Do you lay awake at night, wondering, "When will this Bear Market end? When will we see a bottom?" Are your nerves so shattered by this market that you cannot get food from the plate to your open mouth with a fork because of uncontrollable shaking? Are your eyes as bloodshot red as your portfolio? Has the black hole that is this market sucked your eyes deeper and deeper into your head as your losses mount?
If so, I have real help for you. IT is "the bottom identifier!" And I'll tell you again, as I have told you before, the bottom ain't gonna be until around June, 2010. But if you want a more scientific analysis, here it is:
If so, I have real help for you. IT is "the bottom identifier!" And I'll tell you again, as I have told you before, the bottom ain't gonna be until around June, 2010. But if you want a more scientific analysis, here it is: