Greetings everyone !
Welcome to another year of stock picking with your fellow Mr. Market readers. The rules are listed below, as well as they are on the scoreboard which is linked below my name.
You start with $10,000, and try to make more money than your competitors. And since the name of the contest is Portfolio of the Week, special recognition will be going to those who can sit in the top three slots come the end of the week more often than the rest.
If you have any suggestions for a change in the rules, or statistics, or graphs that you wouldn't mind seeing, please post. Otherwise give us your top picks and may the best trader win !
Good luck all !
Welcome to another year of stock picking with your fellow Mr. Market readers. The rules are listed below, as well as they are on the scoreboard which is linked below my name.
You start with $10,000, and try to make more money than your competitors. And since the name of the contest is Portfolio of the Week, special recognition will be going to those who can sit in the top three slots come the end of the week more often than the rest.
If you have any suggestions for a change in the rules, or statistics, or graphs that you wouldn't mind seeing, please post. Otherwise give us your top picks and may the best trader win !
Good luck all !
- Stocks listed on NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX allowed. ETFs allowed. OTCBB and pink sheet stocks not allowed.
- $2 minimum for cheapest stock price.
- Weekly contest begins after the close of market of the prior week's last day of trading.
- A pick before the weekly contest's first day of open trading will get the first day's open price.
- A pick during open trading is Real Time, with the price matching the post time of your pick....(No negotiations allowed.)
- A pick after market hours will get the following day's open price.
- Your position will automatically be LONG if you do not mention play with your pick.
- CLOSE first position, and OPEN a new position is available after close of market of the week's first day of trading, and anytime thereafter.
- Real Time CLOSE and OPEN prices used during open trading,with prices matching the post time of your position change....(No negotiations allowed.)
- CLOSE and OPEN orders after market will trade at the closing prices for that day.
- CLOSE and OPEN position requests must be mentioned in the same post to qualify.
- Three position max. limit per week.
- Cash position allowed only on third position.
- The close of market on the week's last day of trading concludes the game for the week…..
- Google Finance used for close and high prices.
- Google Finance used for real time pricing dispute.
- Entry on market indicators match contest deadlines to compare your results against the market's performance.
- "Portfolio of the week-2009" (POTW) is a game only and should not be considered as financial advise….