Absolute Zero

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Absolute Zero

    1. People stop spending so people lose jobs

    2. less money from employment so people spend even less

    Go back to step 1.

    Under this scenario we reach absolute zero where the economy is completely frozen. No employment...no movement....absolute zero.

    Make it worse...tax the wealthy, now they want to leave the frozen tundra because they don't want to pay taxes anymore. Think I'm kidding? Go ask all the Americans living in Switzerland.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
    1. People stop spending so people lose jobs

    2. less money from employment so people spend even less

    Go back to step 1.

    Under this scenario we reach absolute zero where the economy is completely frozen. No employment...no movement....absolute zero.

    Make it worse...tax the wealthy, now they want to leave the frozen tundra because they don't want to pay taxes anymore. Think I'm kidding? Go ask all the Americans living in Switzerland.
    No question about Obama's economic policies being a disaster in the making. My question is this, Mr. Wharton graduate: isn't it true that the market is an animal, it's alive, and that there is no such thing as absolute zero via Adam Smith's reckoning? People may slow their spending, but they cannot stop. Things wear out; items are consumed. They must have food, heat, shelter. A slowdown is coming, perhaps a depression, but not absolute zero.

    Having said that, the truth is that gov't policies can destroy an economy. Proverbs 13:23 says "There is abundant food in the fallow ground of the poor, but it is swept away by injustice." Foolish policies such as punishing producers and rewarding non-producers is a gross injustice that will destroy the economy.

    IF Obama cuts his deficit in half by the end of his first term, (as promised), it is still 4x larger than Geo. W. Bush's deficit. Borrowing made this mess; but borrowing won't solve this mess.
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    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      I heard what Barry O said last Saturday..."By the end of my first term"...
      Isn't he being a little overly optimistic by inferring that he will be elected to a second term???
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      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5319

        Originally posted by IIC View Post
        I heard what Barry O said last Saturday..."By the end of my first term"...
        Isn't he being a little overly optimistic by inferring that he will be elected to a second term???
        nope, he's just doing a little early campaigning for 2012... one of those 'say it enough times it becomes true' deals.


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          Originally posted by jiesen View Post
          nope, he's just doing a little early campaigning for 2012... one of those 'say it enough times it becomes true' deals.
          If Palin gets the Republican Nomination, Obama will be re-elected. I have no idea what the Republican party was thinking when they decided to put her front and center.

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
            If Palin gets the Republican Nomination, Obama will be re-elected. I have no idea what the Republican party was thinking when they decided to put her front and center.
            The Republican party needs Bobby Jindal to make a run for president. I would pick Mike Huckaba, but after having his own show on Fox, I don't think he could could elected...Besides, Huckaba just moved to our area, and the last thing we need here is a bunch of news crews swarming our beaches.


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Presidential Material

              Originally posted by Websman View Post
              The Republican party needs Bobby Jindal to make a run for president. I would pick Mike Huckaba, but after having his own show on Fox, I don't think he could could elected...Besides, Huckaba just moved to our area, and the last thing we need here is a bunch of news crews swarming our beaches.
              I do like Sarah Palin.....but i know the Bastar** in the liberal media would send the attack dogs after her as soon as she would announce any attempt to run. A team of lawyers were sent to Alaske to find every piece of dirt on her .......too bad they did not send the same team to investigate Obama and perhaps they could have found his birth certificate and school records.
              Sarah is dead in the water.
              Better choice would be Chris Christy and Rubio from FL. Chris probably forgot more than half of those morons in congress woild ever know.As prosecutor in NJ , he NEVER lost a case and put so many political bums in jail.
              A Rubio Christy ticket would be UNBEATABLE!


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                I do like Sarah Palin.....but i know the Bastar** in the liberal media would send the attack dogs after her as soon as she would announce any attempt to run. A team of lawyers were sent to Alaske to find every piece of dirt on her .......too bad they did not send the same team to investigate Obama and perhaps they could have found his birth certificate and school records.
                Sarah is dead in the water.
                Better choice would be Chris Christy and Rubio from FL. Chris probably forgot more than half of those morons in congress woild ever know.As prosecutor in NJ , he NEVER lost a case and put so many political bums in jail.
                A Rubio Christy ticket would be UNBEATABLE!
                I have a personal beef with Rubio, so I couldn't back him, but I'll take Chris Christy. My top pick is still Bobby Jindal.


                • smaskell
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 46

                  Where's the beef?

                  Originally posted by Websman View Post
                  I have a personal beef with Rubio, so I couldn't back him, but I'll take Chris Christy. My top pick is still Bobby Jindal.
                  Is that a literal "personal beef"? As in you actually know him? Care to share details? Did it have anything to do with an overpriced haircut?

                  I hate it when I have to vote for someone that I personally dislike but know that they are more likely to vote the way I want than their opponent.

                  I have heard that John Bolton was actually considering a run. I don't think he could ever possibly be elected but it would be a hoot watching the feathers fly...


                  • steelman
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 648

                    Originally posted by Websman View Post
                    I have a personal beef with Rubio, so I couldn't back him, but I'll take Chris Christy. My top pick is still Bobby Jindal.
                    I am a fan of Bobby Jindal because he said No to BuhRok's money.

                    I would definitely be excited for a ticket that Gov. Chris Christie was on. He seems like a say what's on your mind or say it like it is kind of guy with no apologies. I can respect that.
                    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!

