According to an article by John Crudele , NY POST 5/28/09 . Now is the time to unload Your Treasury Bonds. He says , "Losses in long-term government funds are inching up to near just five months.And the WORSE could be ahead" Not very encouraging words from Mr Crudele. Large auctions are coming on June 10 with Washington to be selling an .....ahem indeterminate amount. The SHI* wil hit the fan when nobody is around to buy. Washington is buying large amounts of the securities.....and needless to say , one of our largest buyers , China is worried!
Notice how commodities are spiking higher as inflation prepares to go into HYPERDRIVE!
Not to worry can always make lemonade from lemons...yeah and after selling our bonds ,how do we accomplish that? Simple BUY Pro Funds ETF TBT which ULTRA SHORTS 20+ Year Treasury! Watch this baby rise as rates go up ,and bond prices continue their downward spiral into the crapper!
Notice how commodities are spiking higher as inflation prepares to go into HYPERDRIVE!
Not to worry can always make lemonade from lemons...yeah and after selling our bonds ,how do we accomplish that? Simple BUY Pro Funds ETF TBT which ULTRA SHORTS 20+ Year Treasury! Watch this baby rise as rates go up ,and bond prices continue their downward spiral into the crapper!