Originally posted by IIC
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"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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I made up a chart of the Naz Comp Average Daily Volume (50ADV) over 20 years if you'd like to take a look ►►► http://is.gd/intraday
Doug"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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OK...Your wait is over...And unfortunately you might be a bit disappointed...Here is my Price Volume Indicator or in the case of an Index my Point Volume Indicator...In either case we'll just call it the PVI.
What it does is weight the daily change by volume. For example yesterday the Naz was up 12.28 pts on 89% Average Daily Volume (ADV 50). So the gain is calculated at 12.28 *.89 which is 10.93. The same calculation is used for losses.
Now what the heck does the PVI tell us?
Well, over the long haul probably not much as you can see in this "Percentage Performance" chart I prepared from 1985 thru yesterday ►►► http://is.gd/nazpvi1985
But in the short term maybe it gives us an idea of the strength of the current trend as indicated in the second chart which is only YTD. This chart indicates that the current trend may not be as strong as the current Naz value would lead us to believe ►►► http://is.gd/nazpviYTD"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Here it is in Oscillator Format: http://s10.postimage.org/5swgnk07t/N...s_Naz_Comp.jpg"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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This past week's 3 Week's Tight List was 100% Green...Can we do it again next week? ►►► http://is.gd/3weekstight"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Will hit 5,000 followers on Twitter today ►►► http://is.gd/FollowMeOnTwitter"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Last week's 3 weeks tight list was only 9up 4dn...Maybe we can do better this week? ►►► http://is.gd/3weekstight"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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[quote=billyjoe;116205]Doug, I never leave the house without my SharpTraders.com list of "3 weeks tight" stocks. I bought CONN which appeared on the list and really like JAZZ and CDNS that appear on the list this week. Here's a theme song for the "3 weeks tight list" you might remember from your high school days.
Doug, Your "3 weeks tight" stock list has to be one of the most valuable resources at SharpTraders.com. I first spotted CONN on your Dec. 15th list. By early Feb. it started forming a shallow cup. By Feb. 7th, a handle. I ran it through technical and fundamental screens at Finviz and bought CONN Feb.7th at 30.77 today it closed at 44.11, a gain of 43% in 8 weeks. Never bought JAZZ, bought CDNS and took a small loss. Here's the CONN chart http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/qui...ow=True&time=7
Thanks, billy
[quote=billyjoe;116552]Originally posted by billyjoe View PostDoug, I never leave the house without my SharpTraders.com list of "3 weeks tight" stocks. I bought CONN which appeared on the list and really like JAZZ and CDNS that appear on the list this week. Here's a theme song for the "3 weeks tight list" you might remember from your high school days.
Doug, Your "3 weeks tight" stock list has to be one of the most valuable resources at SharpTraders.com. I first spotted CONN on your Dec. 15th list. By early Feb. it started forming a shallow cup. By Feb. 7th, a handle. I ran it through technical and fundamental screens at Finviz and bought CONN Feb.7th at 30.77 today it closed at 44.11, a gain of 43% in 8 weeks. Never bought JAZZ, bought CDNS and took a small loss. Here's the CONN chart http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/qui...ow=True&time=7
Thanks, billy
Glad to hear it Billy...Several at other places thanked me for CONN...The lists are not fool proof but if you wait for them to break resistance (if they do) there have been some nice ones...Of course the rally doesn't hurt...albeit mostly on low volume...Doug"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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BTW...Thx for the song Billy...Brings back some nice old memories"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Next week's 3 Week's Tight List ►►► http://is.gd/3weekstight"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by antioch6 View Postdo you update that entire website manually?"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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[quote=billyjoe;116552]Originally posted by billyjoe View PostDoug, I never leave the house without my SharpTraders.com list of "3 weeks tight" stocks. I bought CONN which appeared on the list and really like JAZZ and CDNS that appear on the list this week. Here's a theme song for the "3 weeks tight list" you might remember from your high school days.
Doug, Your "3 weeks tight" stock list has to be one of the most valuable resources at SharpTraders.com. I first spotted CONN on your Dec. 15th list. By early Feb. it started forming a shallow cup. By Feb. 7th, a handle. I ran it through technical and fundamental screens at Finviz and bought CONN Feb.7th at 30.77 today it closed at 44.11, a gain of 43% in 8 weeks. Never bought JAZZ, bought CDNS and took a small loss. Here's the CONN chart http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/qui...ow=True&time=7
Thanks, billy
Update, CONN now up over 52%. Am I being greedy holding this longer? Ha Ha !
Last week's 3 Week's Tight List was 100% green...only the second time that has happened...Of course we only had two ►►► http://is.gd/3weekstight"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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