It's kinda funny...was up around the $50 range..just petering under your target...then the posted Q4 expectations and it was crushed...
Then they came out with Q4 actuals and were above exp... it gave those who had opptny to purchase at a huge discount...
I will be happy when it hits/beats your target...I got in @ the same place you did and have been bored with the $$ that was locked up.
It's nice to see a + change.
I SEEES! lol
It's kinda funny...was up around the $50 range..just petering under your target...then the posted Q4 expectations and it was crushed...
Then they came out with Q4 actuals and were above exp... it gave those who had opptny to purchase at a huge discount...
I will be happy when it hits/beats your target...I got in @ the same place you did and have been bored with the $$ that was locked up.
It's nice to see a + change.
I SEEES! lol