Mr. Market has many second guessers and maybe even more fans with 20-20 hindsight. "Mr. Market , you made me a million $ why wasn't it 2 million" , or "Mr. Market , you sold 44 straight stocks at a 15% gain or better , why don't you just worry about the one that isn't doing well"? This is for those who always go for the stocks Mr. Market doesn't choose. Ever wonder what happened to the other 4 of the top 5? Using historical stock prices from Yahoo (not exact as I don't know what time of day purchases or sales were made) , this is the record of the Oct. 31st New Top 5 Boo. Oct31st - Nov 24 sale of CLSR at 15% gain ASFI-up 8% BBY-up 2% RRGB-down 6% URBN-up 11.5%. I hope to have a similar post after each Mr. Market sale. Thanks, Billy Joe
Mr. Market's top 5 What happened to the other 4?