Growing up over the years , the American Dollar was highly respected by many countries. Now the stage is set , and the "Fat Lady" is in the wings, ready to sing for the American Dollar! WTF happened ? How did we ever come to this very sad situation?
According to Porter Stansberry in his 11/28/09 "Daily Wealth Publication" America's position is precarious at best , and "A Guaranteed Default" or in plain English , bankruptcy is inevitable! Basically he states we have 500 billion in reserves , and we owe foreign creditors 800 billion, and in the next 12 months the US will incur a 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit.
To protect yourself he recommends buying gold, silver, farmland and foreign real estate .
I feel you can also play the Power Shares US Bearish Dollar index ETF UDN. Of course if calamity strikes and the institution selling this ETF goes belly up ......try to collect LOL!
Oh well here is the link to the article , chilling.....but DEFINITELY worth the read!
According to Porter Stansberry in his 11/28/09 "Daily Wealth Publication" America's position is precarious at best , and "A Guaranteed Default" or in plain English , bankruptcy is inevitable! Basically he states we have 500 billion in reserves , and we owe foreign creditors 800 billion, and in the next 12 months the US will incur a 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit.
To protect yourself he recommends buying gold, silver, farmland and foreign real estate .
I feel you can also play the Power Shares US Bearish Dollar index ETF UDN. Of course if calamity strikes and the institution selling this ETF goes belly up ......try to collect LOL!
Oh well here is the link to the article , chilling.....but DEFINITELY worth the read!