So Dow Diamonds(DIA) is an exchange-traded fund that holds the 30 stocks that comprise the DOW.
I was curious & bored, so I was doing some math...operator error is possible for sure but I tried to check my math.
For a 100 day period from 7/21/09... DIA returned 17.80% and the 30 Dow Members average returned 20.26%. Okay so if you bought all 30 DOW stocks you'd have to figure in fees but it seems to be a better
BTW....Kraft(KFT) is the only one of the 30 that lost money in that 100 day period.
I was curious & bored, so I was doing some math...operator error is possible for sure but I tried to check my math.
For a 100 day period from 7/21/09... DIA returned 17.80% and the 30 Dow Members average returned 20.26%. Okay so if you bought all 30 DOW stocks you'd have to figure in fees but it seems to be a better
BTW....Kraft(KFT) is the only one of the 30 that lost money in that 100 day period.