I thought I would ask about this here since it seems a good as place as any;
Today I bought and sold VLGC in my Etrade IRA and then tried to buy another stock but I am told by their customer service that I will have to wait until the settlement date until I can buy another stock. I can't believe this shit! It seems that if I am using all my funds in my IRA to buy one stock, I can't buy another and sell it until 1-3 days after....what a load of shit!
Does anybody know of a way around this? I called Scottrade and they have similar rules supposedley imposed by SEC. What a crock...
Today I bought and sold VLGC in my Etrade IRA and then tried to buy another stock but I am told by their customer service that I will have to wait until the settlement date until I can buy another stock. I can't believe this shit! It seems that if I am using all my funds in my IRA to buy one stock, I can't buy another and sell it until 1-3 days after....what a load of shit!
Does anybody know of a way around this? I called Scottrade and they have similar rules supposedley imposed by SEC. What a crock...