Triquent Semiconductor is the mystery firm that will supply power amplfiers to APPLE for the new Apple Products. StockGumshoe confirmed the rumors I had heard......CLICK On the following link and get "The Rest Of The Story"
Just Pete trying to make the folks some coin around here ! Any comments on TQNT? Vector Vest says it is UNDERVALUED ....and hang on to your hats... NO DEBT and it has money !!
Lock and LOAD before APPLE releasse its earnings report!
See my post in Petes Money Makers for STOP rec by Vector Vest!
Just Pete trying to make the folks some coin around here ! Any comments on TQNT? Vector Vest says it is UNDERVALUED ....and hang on to your hats... NO DEBT and it has money !!
Lock and LOAD before APPLE releasse its earnings report!
See my post in Petes Money Makers for STOP rec by Vector Vest!