Happy Chinese New Year

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  • wooish
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 499

    Happy Chinese New Year

    I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year.

    Today is the 1st day of the year of the Tiger. On the Chinese calendar it's the year 4708. Chinese New Year consist of 15 days full of traditions and celebrations. During this time, families are reunited for big and delicious meals and exchange blessing and gifts.

    Should you want to know about the Tiger's characteristic, you can find some descriptions here http://www.yearofthetiger.net/

    The Tiger is a bold animal and is willing to take risk. Whenever there's risk, there's big reward. Wishing everyone making lots of green this year.
  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by wooish View Post
    I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year.

    Today is the 1st day of the year of the Tiger. On the Chinese calendar it's the year 4708. Chinese New Year consist of 15 days full of traditions and celebrations. During this time, families are reunited for big and delicious meals and exchange blessing and gifts.

    Should you want to know about the Tiger's characteristic, you can find some descriptions here http://www.yearofthetiger.net/

    The Tiger is a bold animal and is willing to take risk. Whenever there's risk, there's big reward. Wishing everyone making lots of green this year.
    wooish, are you of Chinese ethnicity or of some other oriental ethnicity?


    • wooish
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 499

      Yup I'm Chinese.


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by wooish View Post
        Yup I'm Chinese.
        i hope you don't mind my asking. born here or in china. and wooish is that chinese for a surname or nickname or mean something else. i've always been interested in their culture.


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          WOOISH Ni Hao

          Wooish ....Needless to say I am not Chinese ........BUT I have known several Chinese women in the past ..........and all I will say is that they were highly intelligent , extremely pretty, and the joy and happiness they gave me when I was with them .......will stay with me for the rest of my life!


          • Odysseus
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2007
            • 493

            Aye, Happy New Year !

            I'm a Dragon born in the year of the Fire Dragon (not that I fully understand that, my aunt was crazy into horoscopes and astrologies), and my friend Johnnie Woo celebrates every year with his family so very familiar
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            • wooish
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 499


              Contrary to popular belief, not all Chinese are from China. Chinese people love migration due to many reasons but the most popular one is that they want to make a better living thus they migrate. Chinese are now spread thoughout the world (HongKong, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Africa, Brazil, France, etc...)

              Eventhough I'm Chinese but I was born in Vietnam because my ancestor fled China during the war and settled in Vietnam. Here we are in a forum talking about stocks What a small world.

              Wooish is just my internet name in honor of my favorite action director John Woo. To me Wooish means "The Way of John Woo". Check out his films if you get a chance.


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Originally posted by wooish View Post

                Contrary to popular belief, not all Chinese are from China. Chinese people love migration due to many reasons but the most popular one is that they want to make a better living thus they migrate. Chinese are now spread thoughout the world (HongKong, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Africa, Brazil, France, etc...)

                Eventhough I'm Chinese but I was born in Vietnam because my ancestor fled China during the war and settled in Vietnam. Here we are in a forum talking about stocks What a small world.

                Wooish is just my internet name in honor of my favorite action director John Woo. To me Wooish means "The Way of John Woo". Check out his films if you get a chance.
                I understand and appreciate that wooish. many groups migrate for the same reasons. that is one of the reasons that i asked that question. i spent two years in south vietnam and cambodia in the army from 1965 to 1967 during the vietnam war and met a number of chinese nationals who were living in south vietnam at that time. were you born in the north or the south. while i was in vietnam i never got above the dmz but spent time in many parts of south vietnam and in cambodia at one time or another as my outfit moved around quite abit from time to time. i found all parts of vietnam to be a beautiful country in every aspect.


                • wooish
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 499

                  Wow that's cool you know so much about Vietnam. I'm from the south and spent most of my childhood there until I came to the state. I actually went back there a few years ago and everything had changed for the better compared to the war torned era. I plan to go back there again soon to visit and vacation.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    The "Folly" of War !

                    Originally posted by wooish View Post
                    Wow that's cool you know so much about Vietnam. I'm from the south and spent most of my childhood there until I came to the state. I actually went back there a few years ago and everything had changed for the better compared to the war torned era. I plan to go back there again soon to visit and vacation.
                    What a waste of 50,000 plus lives the Vietnam War was......all because of the "Dominino Theory" and the dream of some politicians to save us from communism.
                    Not too much in the government has changed, but Vietnam itself is slowing becoming a player in the world of economic development. Supposedly , you can now vacation at some nice resorts in Vietnam, where the people are intelligent, friendly and highly ambitious.
                    I feel l that the same thing will happen with Iraq and Afghanistan .....another 2 worthless wars and a waste of countless lives.
                    I am sure that history will prove me right!


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                      What a waste of 50,000 plus lives the Vietnam War was......all because of the "Dominino Theory" and the dream of some politicians to save us from communism.
                      Not too much in the government has changed, but Vietnam itself is slowing becoming a player in the world of economic development. Supposedly , you can now vacation at some nice resorts in Vietnam, where the people are intelligent, friendly and highly ambitious.
                      I feel l that the same thing will happen with Iraq and Afghanistan .....another 2 worthless wars and a waste of countless lives.
                      I am sure that history will prove me right!
                      [B]if i came away with one positive thought from my experiences during that period it was that war of any nature and all the killing is senseless and useless. i have a good friend that is a prominent lawyer and a few years back we were having lunch together after not having spoken or seen each other in several months. i asked him what was new and his eyes brightened up and he said that he and his wife had just spent three weeks in southeast asia on vacation. his wife's cousin is a high ranking canadian diplomat and was stationed in their cambodian embassy. during their time there they spent some time in vietnam. he couldnt say enough about how beautiful the country was and how much they enjoyed themselves. he went on to speak of how they were able to go into the elaborate network of tunnels that had been dug out by the north vietnamese for living and storage facilities. he couldn't believe how large and far reaching the tunnels were and how industrious the north vietnamese were in making them. the tunnels were the high point of his visit to vietnam. i agreed with him but never mentioned i had seen them first hand. as well as i knew the guy i had never really related any of my experiences during that war and the fact that i had several kills in hand to hand combat in them during my time spent there and that i had several friends that went in and never came back out. it never fails to amaze me how things change in such a short period of time. i hold no regrets for any of it or for the reasons we were there to start with but one thing i can assure you of is that very few of the politicians that sent our troops over there, or were running it, or their families were a part of it or risked their lives in the name of whatever they thought or told us they were trying to accompolish. i know alot of lives on both sides were wasted, especially in light of the fact that not to many years after all was said and done it became a well known destination spot for vactions. they say time heals all wounds and removes the memories of the past. whoever said that was right i guess but one thing i am sure of is that the people that lost loved ones probably dont feel that way. and whoever said that we learn from history and our past mistakes couldnt be farther from the truth and out of touch with reality. one thing for sure though, some of the best weed i have ever smoked and plenty of it./B]


                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        Year of the Tiger

                        FWIW, I was born in the Year of the Tiger. (hear me roar! http://www.wavlist.com/soundfx/007/tiger-roar1.wav)


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          River Gezzzzzzz

                          Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                          FWIW, I was born in the Year of the Tiger. (hear me roar! http://www.wavlist.com/soundfx/007/tiger-roar1.wav)
                          That sounded like one of my old Girl Friends on a BAD night LOL


                          • wooish
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 499

                            Oh Pete you're so funny.


                            • steelman
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 648

                              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                              That sounded like one of my old Girl Friends on a BAD night LOL
                              Ha ha LOL. Pete, that's too funny. I hope you don't get banned for a day again. ha aha hahahhaq
                              It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!

