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  • FWHT

    Okay, I am ready to learn from you guys...
    I've been trying out some different screening ideas, and came across this stock: FWHT.
    What do I like about it?
    1) no debt. I'm really into no debt.
    2) It is profitable (businesses losing money scare me)

    Now, you guys have made me wonder about momentum investing and where it could lead, so these are also part of my MSN screen.
    3) Avg Daily Volume last 2 weeks >= Avg Daily volume last qtr
    4) % price change 1 wk>=7 (kind of arbitrary, but wanted to have a decent change to go along with the greater avg daily volume)

    Okay, so I would appreciate any assistance you guys could give here. I mean, really, help me learn. If you have a chance, look at the FWHT and tell me what does or does not look good--I'm sure that there are other things I should look out for, but I'm basically a beginner here...

  • viktoriya_a

    It bothers me that the share price has gone from almost 28 about 9/15 to 17 now. What would be the catalyst at this point to reverse that trend?

    (Given the business they're in I don't think it's a surprise they have no debt.)


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      I look for 3 years of positive earnings growth....

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • #4
        FWHT made it to the top of Karel's version of $$$MR. MARKET$$$'s screens back in, I think, Feb or March when I was just learning the system. It made some nice moves there, and I think I rode it from 9ish to 12ish. Not sure what the company is looking like right now...



        • #5
          Great info from all. Thanks!

          MrMarket, you are truly HUGE. Thanks for the great site where we can learn from you and each other!


          • #6
            You're on the right track. Personally, I find your momentum terms to be over too short a time. Those criteria could show you pretty much anything experienceing any kind of news driven blip, bottom bounce, etc.

            As far as FWHT itself is concerned, it looks pretty good to me.


            • #7
              You're probably right on the momentum...
              My thinking was that it would be nice to catch these 100%+ gainers early in their 'streak', but it may be really hard to do that and not catch some losers, too.
              Incidentally, HRT was one of the stocks that showed up with the screen. I bought it in my Marketocracy portfolio along with FWHT and a bunch of others for comparison... I was screening on Friday evening. Monday morning, HRT opened up about 20%. Today, it was up 16%. Too bad, I didn't have THAT one in my real portfolio on Friday afternoon... (or yesterday afternoon, for that matter)

