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  • ninner
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 524


    i wonder if some of the great chart technicians here would have a comment on CTRP...i have had it for over a year now...and its abit baffling at the moment .seems to be lagging the market at the moment.... any opinion please


  • steelman
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 648

    Originally posted by ninner View Post
    i wonder if some of the great chart technicians here would have a comment on CTRP...i have had it for over a year now...and its abit baffling at the moment .seems to be lagging the market at the moment.... any opinion please


    Good company, good earnings. I like it. It was 12 bucks a year ago and now it's pushing $38 so you have done well. Great job. It looks like it's correcting a bit. It just dropped below it's 30 day MA. I am going to keep this on my watchlist and wait for an entry.

    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


    • ninner
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 524

      thanks steelman

      thanks for your input steelman, yes i have done well in it....i am a canslim investor and this is one of the leaders....so far it has been pulling back on lighter volume to the 10 weeker ....so hopefully it will remain a constructive chart.....kinda reminds me of NFLX on the pullback abit ....but it does all the canslim characteristics that willlie likes in stocks... If you do notice something in the chart please dont hesitate to post it.....disclosure...im also long GMCR, RVBD, BIDU all i have held since over a year ago and just opened a pos in RUE a few weeks back

      cheers and all the best


      • steelman
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2008
        • 648

        Originally posted by ninner View Post
        thanks for your input steelman, yes i have done well in it....i am a canslim investor and this is one of the leaders....so far it has been pulling back on lighter volume to the 10 weeker ....so hopefully it will remain a constructive chart.....kinda reminds me of NFLX on the pullback abit ....but it does all the canslim characteristics that willlie likes in stocks... If you do notice something in the chart please dont hesitate to post it.....disclosure...im also long GMCR, RVBD, BIDU all i have held since over a year ago and just opened a pos in RUE a few weeks back

        cheers and all the best
        I took RUE a few wees back in the POTW contest and had a double digit return for the week. It looks to have a projected price of $62, still looks strong, nice earnings estimates.

        GMCR, and BIDU have some great fundamentals; earnings, revenue and growth.

        I was at LAX on the way to Australia with my wife a few years back. Our flight was delayed about 3 hours. I went into the bookstore and Willie's book "How to make money in stocks" caught my eye. I bought it and learned about CANSLIM while waiting for the flight. I was so jakcked up that I couldn't sleep on the flight. That was the same day I knew I wanted to be a stock investor.

        Where do you find your CANSLIM stocks?

        It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


        • ninner
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 524

          Hey steelman...sold my CTRP today ....i will be watching it but it seems to be lagging the market and is not participating in this rally yet....i took a pos in LOPE and added to my RUE pos....both appear to be leaders in this market rally. With respect to LOPE notice those 6 up weeks in a row....that is insitutional buying and very positive...O'Neil loves to see that in a chart. I get my stock picks from the paper or the website on the stocks on the move...i also belong to an excellent ibd meetup group called Naperville IBDmeetup ...one of the best in the country and you can participate via live or a webinar....its once a month and approx 4 hours long ...its been a big help as the 3 guys that host it are very good and have been to upper level ibd chart classes. One thing i have learned is keep your stocklists to a minimum and limit it to the very best stocks...the so called leaders of the rally..they will give you multiple chances to enter. Always keep it simple.




          • steelman
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 648

            [QUOTE=ninner;104352]Hey steelman...sold my CTRP today ....i will be watching it but it seems to be lagging the market and is not participating in this rally yet....i took a pos in LOPE and added to my RUE pos....both appear to be leaders in this market rally. With respect to LOPE notice those 6 up weeks in a row....that is insitutional buying and very positive...O'Neil loves to see that in a chart.

            I love LOPE right now. I bought some $30 June Calls about 2 weeks ago. I am sure you noticed that huge spike in volume yesterday. Well, let's both make some money with Grand Canyon!

            It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!

