I believe BGBR is a huge scam, how the SEC lets these scum bags operate is criminal. Rix one man show at BGBR, no profits in the past with none likely in the future. Glasscock doesn't return calls from Forbes. Jason Kelly and Michael Cohen with doublingstocks.com and daytraderobot. were paid $ 55,000 to pump this stock for 6 weeks. I think that gig was up last Thursday. Anyone heard from Jason since ?? I'd love to hear about it. Ever since Forbes blew the gig on Thursday noon EST no word. Why wouldn't they tell the subscribers to cut and run at that point??? My bet is that they went short all along. Just like Goldman Sachs, the very people they quoted as being BAD, um takes one to know one. Other option is they got in at .5 and sold on the HOD on Thursday. Sorry to all those who got duped. They said they would retire if this didn't triple, um. Smells like that was there plan all along. BGBR will never see $1 again IMO
BGBR SCAM Jason Kelly/Michael Cohen exposed
BGBR the street sweeper
I knew this was going to be a P and D from the beginning, just bought into the hold for 3 weeks thang. I've got to do something about my gambling. My gut said SELL when it hit the 1.60's but I got greedy nailed my boys to the table and watched my $10,000 @ 1.39 BUY go down to the toilet at $7000 and bounce back up. Went to work on Thursday and Friday in the ICU (I'm a Nurse) and couldn't check any news ect and to find out that night the Forbe artical was unreal. Of course I sold first chance after I saw that it gapped down at 1.155 with my account now at $8300, I consider myself lucky. I had it to lose and it doesn't affect the fact that I will again flyfish half the summer in the PNW, Montana, ID ect. NICE. Today is a good day. I've lost more at the craps table- that was alot more fun to lose though. Anyway here's one more article in for all those like me who got sucked into the BEAR LOL. sorry can't help but laugh.
thestreetsweeper.org Could Big Bear Mining Investors Get Caught in a Trap
My prediction is BGBR will gap down >.10 or more tomorrow and go sideways on a downward trend with a new low for the last week. Might be able to make $$$ if you got the stomach to buy and sell on the highs and lows but I think she is done done done like all the other pennies J/K and M/C pimped ELRA and UOMO check the charts. I watched ELRA and doubled on UOMO and lost overall with a bigger investment on BGBR
Happy days to all
sorry to hear!
Originally posted by mrfly View PostI knew this was going to be a P and D from the beginning, just bought into the hold for 3 weeks thang. I've got to do something about my gambling. My gut said SELL when it hit the 1.60's but I got greedy nailed my boys to the table and watched my $10,000 @ 1.39 BUY go down to the toilet at $7000 and bounce back up. Went to work on Thursday and Friday in the ICU (I'm a Nurse) and couldn't check any news ect and to find out that night the Forbe artical was unreal. Of course I sold first chance after I saw that it gapped down at 1.155 with my account now at $8300, I consider myself lucky. I had it to lose and it doesn't affect the fact that I will again flyfish half the summer in the PNW, Montana, ID ect. NICE. Today is a good day. I've lost more at the craps table- that was alot more fun to lose though. Anyway here's one more article in for all those like me who got sucked into the BEAR LOL. sorry can't help but laugh.
thestreetsweeper.org Could Big Bear Mining Investors Get Caught in a Trap
My prediction is BGBR will gap down >.10 or more tomorrow and go sideways on a downward trend with a new low for the last week. Might be able to make $$$ if you got the stomach to buy and sell on the highs and lows but I think she is done done done like all the other pennies J/K and M/C pimped ELRA and UOMO check the charts. I watched ELRA and doubled on UOMO and lost overall with a bigger investment on BGBR
Happy days to all
Sorry if you lost some $$. Those scum suckers that send out that crap usually have in small print at the end of the speil that they are actually paid to write the story and have no actual knowledge about the company.
BGBR Lesson learned
No worries, I'll be back to fight another day, only I can break myself and I'm far from broke. I knew the risks and I had the cash, thats life. I know there is good stuff to be had out there, my chin is up and I'm still riding high. Gearing up for my South Texas Fly fishing in the laguna madre, hopfully the Gulf will get flat and I can hammer the surf too. Snow Board season just ended here in Washington. Start of peak flyfishing season-- Now thats liven folks
I did make money with UOMO last year. However, I had been following these idiots for about a year before that. The only reason I made money with UOMO is because I already owned it when those Jackoff's released it from about 6 months prior. It went down 50%. I let it sit just to see what would happen. I don't throw much more then a few hundred at something like this. I threw in on BGBR at $1.20 and was out at $1.50 over 1 day. I think you are better off with a .000 stock if you want to gamble rather than those 2 idiots.
Check out Ski's chart analysis on HOV. I picked this one up from him about 4 weeks ago. I bought some May $5 calls and I am sitting on a 575% return. It looks like it still has some room to run.
I have some July calls on $$$MR. Markets$$$'s CTSH. For the record, I do not have one losing trade using $$$Mr. Market's$$$ picks.
It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!
Just received a circular in the mail describing that hole in the ground with a liar at the top goldmine BGBR. After a glass of carrot juice , and a shot of Jack Daniels , I was able to plow through the small print and determine that the shylocks were paid $900,000, for promoting that BGBR sack of Sh**
It looks like it is ready to pop again ......but you will be better off buying TGB on the AMEX ......a small goldminer for which you can set a trailing stop!
Jason also had a robot stock picking scam that was even on the Mr market site for awhile ......don't fall for that BS either .....TOTAL SCAM !
Thank you all
I'm going to take a breather and then I'll be back and dive into the market again. This is a first big loser for me so I'm treating like a bad beat in poker and going exhale before I make my next move. I'll keep checking in on this site. Seems like there are some stand up people here. The advice is very much appreciated.
My best advice is to play a scam like it is a scam. Buy it only if you see the signs that it is about to be promoted and sell into the hype. The trick is finding it before the hype phase begins...This is not a game to be played with money that can't afford to be lost, as it is a very risky proposition.
That being said...If you want to play it safe, learn to trade like Mr Market and a few others here. Their methods are sound and secure. Most importantly, don't follow somebody like me because I'm nothing but a high stakes gambler. lol
Originally posted by Websman View PostMy best advice is to play a scam like it is a scam. Buy it only if you see the signs that it is about to be promoted and sell into the hype. The trick is finding it before the hype phase begins...This is not a game to be played with money that can't afford to be lost, as it is a very risky proposition.
That being said...If you want to play it safe, learn to trade like Mr Market and a few others here. Their methods are sound and secure. Most importantly, don't follow somebody like me because I'm nothing but a high stakes gambler. lol"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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I knew deep down I should have been in and out in a day or two, just got a severe case of the stupids-- happens when you get greedy which coincides with having one head so far up you can't see the light of day to think straight.
I had it to lose but hate to lose just the same. I hope no one out there put up there last nickle on this dog.
I'm going to bed now but after I piss and crap over some more C notes to use as fertilizer for the garden. I should get some kind of return on that ?
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