Bullish stocks near support

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
    you'll be just in time for the oil slick. the whole louisiana and north texas coastline is going to take the brunt of it. what will you be fishing for. bonefish in the shallows?
    Im familiar with that part of the texas coastline from Corpus Christi down to brownsville/matomoros and ive fished that area numerous times. i thought we used to catch bonefish there but snook are kind of similiar in shape and fight arent they. i spent alot of time along the eastern mexican coastline back in the late 60's thru the mid 70's and i have caught spanish mackerel and tarpon along the mexican coastline between matamoros and tampico. we always flew into corpus christi and drove down to brownsville/matamoros and crossed the border there and then continued down the coast. i have plenty of fond memories of corpus christi. nice city. some of the very best big brown buds come from that area of mexico.
    im an avid surf fisherman here at the jersey coast. bring your gear. some real good fly fishing in our barnegat bay for stripers, weakfish, and bluefish right in our backyard. im fishing 3-4 times a week now during the spring striper run.
    i couldnt see making any kind of a play other that shorting or buying puts on BP right now. this situation in the gulf is only going to get worse and they dont seem to have any control over it yet. BP is responsible for the cost factor and it looks like it could rukn into the billions.
    Last edited by skiracer; 05-02-2010, 09:09 AM.


    • steelman
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2008
      • 648

      [QUOTE=skiracer;104797][B]Im familiar with that part of the texas coastline from Corpus Christi down to brownsville/matomoros and ive fished that area numerous times. i thought we used to catch bonefish there but snook are kind of similiar in shape and fight arent they.

      I grew up bass fishing in southern Colorado. The only thing I know about that area of Texas is South Padre Island. We went down there for Spring Break a few years back. We stayed in Brownsville and hit Matamoros a few nights as well. I was doing a little different kind of fishing back then. I know we always caught our daily limit
      It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        [b]Im familiar with that part of the texas coastline from Corpus Christi down to brownsville/matomoros and ive fished that area numerous times. i thought we used to catch bonefish there but snook are kind of similiar in shape and fight arent they.

        I grew up bass fishing in southern Colorado. The only thing I know about that area of Texas is South Padre Island. We went down there for Spring Break a few years back. We stayed in Brownsville and hit Matamoros a few nights as well. I was doing a little different kind of fishing back then. I know we always caught our daily limit
        Matamores was wide open when i was going down there. a sleepy little mexican city. the American dollar could take you a long way down there in those days.


        • mrfly
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2010
          • 23

          Those really were the good ol dayz. I'm so lucky I'm not dead or in a Matamores jail looking at my buddies with a 5 foot beard. Cheap liquor, free women, all the dope a 20 yr old could handle and then I would catch 8 # specks behind louise backyard. Now they don't want to rob you, they want to kill you. I was OK with the bribe thing. On the Island-- Jet skis tearing up what was once pristine trophy speck fishing. I couldn't believe it, I'd have the worst hangover and be the only one fishing while looking at thousands of rooms with spring breakers presumably passed out. World class fishing hole surrounded by thousands of teenagers and 20 somethings and I'm solo catching trophy specks!!! Hangover cured .
          Bonefish are in Texas, it's just that they are so rare and are not known to reside there. Only the odd lost one or two that migrate from Mexico. Snook are becoming more common but are still considered rare. The highest concentrations of snook are going to be South bay next to Port Isabel and the South Padre Jetties. With this Global warming, who knows', you might hear of bonefish spawning in Texas.
          This spill really sucks. It could hit the gulf stream and creep all the way to you guys. Scary stuff. I also vacation in Destin Florida, for those who have been there know how devastating this will be to the panhandle when it hits.
          I hope it doesn't affect your stripper fishing, I've never been there for that but am aware that it competes as one of the best fishing places in the world. A little kept secret, kind of like Texas. People say Oregon, Washington, ID, MT or better yet Alaska. I live in Washington State. Tell you what, I have fished almost everywhere and I would take take Texas over anywhere from my personal experience and then I would take the upper east coast for exploring the Coastal strippers next. For exotics I would hit the Cano Negro in Costa Rica and get those 200 lb freshwater Tarpon, 50 # snook and 15 # rainbow bass that make bucket mouths look like wimps.
          Thanks alot for the $$ advice. I'm a late bloomer in this game and know enough to lose my a$$ if I'm not careful. Going back to my honey do list on this dreary weekend in the PNW. Gearing up for South Texas, then I'll do a 5 day float/camp trip down the Deschutes River in Oregon either that or Montana for the Salmon fly hatch. I'll figure that out on the fly.


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by mrfly View Post
            Those really were the good ol dayz. I'm so lucky I'm not dead or in a Matamores jail looking at my buddies with a 5 foot beard. Cheap liquor, free women, all the dope a 20 yr old could handle and then I would catch 8 # specks behind louise backyard. Now they don't want to rob you, they want to kill you. I was OK with the bribe thing. On the Island-- Jet skis tearing up what was once pristine trophy speck fishing. I couldn't believe it, I'd have the worst hangover and be the only one fishing while looking at thousands of rooms with spring breakers presumably passed out. World class fishing hole surrounded by thousands of teenagers and 20 somethings and I'm solo catching trophy specks!!! Hangover cured .
            Bonefish are in Texas, it's just that they are so rare and are not known to reside there. Only the odd lost one or two that migrate from Mexico. Snook are becoming more common but are still considered rare. The highest concentrations of snook are going to be South bay next to Port Isabel and the South Padre Jetties. With this Global warming, who knows', you might hear of bonefish spawning in Texas.
            This spill really sucks. It could hit the gulf stream and creep all the way to you guys. Scary stuff. I also vacation in Destin Florida, for those who have been there know how devastating this will be to the panhandle when it hits.
            I hope it doesn't affect your stripper fishing, I've never been there for that but am aware that it competes as one of the best fishing places in the world. A little kept secret, kind of like Texas. People say Oregon, Washington, ID, MT or better yet Alaska. I live in Washington State. Tell you what, I have fished almost everywhere and I would take take Texas over anywhere from my personal experience and then I would take the upper east coast for exploring the Coastal strippers next. For exotics I would hit the Cano Negro in Costa Rica and get those 200 lb freshwater Tarpon, 50 # snook and 15 # rainbow bass that make bucket mouths look like wimps.
            Thanks alot for the $$ advice. I'm a late bloomer in this game and know enough to lose my a$$ if I'm not careful. Going back to my honey do list on this dreary weekend in the PNW. Gearing up for South Texas, then I'll do a 5 day float/camp trip down the Deschutes River in Oregon either that or Montana for the Salmon fly hatch. I'll figure that out on the fly.
            the barnegat bay backbay area by barnegat lighthouse provides some of the best early spring striper fishing on the east coast. surpassed only by the chesapeake bay and the barrier islands off the carolinas. theres a large area of shallows off of what they call sedge island where you can use a kayak or shallow draft boat like a carolina skiff or just use your waders and walk out on to them. then in the summer the weakfish come in and the fishing is great. alot of guys using fly fishing setups out on those flats for weakfish. the weakies are the best eating of them all in my opinion. they call them seatrout. yellow and green and speckled sides and underbodies like frest water trout except much larger. ive caught them 30 in. and 8-10 lbs. soft mouths and not real big fighters but good eating.


            • mrfly
              Junior Member
              • Apr 2010
              • 23

              WOW 30 inch Specks? If it's the same weakfish we get in Texas, that is huge. Three types of weakfish I know, Speckled trout, sand trout and gulf trout. They have two fangs and a yellow mouth from their shrimp diet. All are excellent table fair. Problem is, only the specks will keep in a freezer, the other two get mushy when thawed, so you just have to have a big fish fry or let em go. The specks we get put up a pretty good fight and are awesome jumpers. Of coarse I'm hooking them in less than two feet of water most of the time. Even when I lived in Texas and ran my boat in 8 inches of water at 55 MPH, I couldn't wait to anchor and jump out to start wading and do the Texas two step. There mouths are very weak hence weakfish and have to be played as such. Also a very spooky fish in shallow water and have to be stalked carefully. Where as Redfish you can spot them 25 feet a way, do a roll cast hook em and horse em. I was really hoping for the surf to get flat and be wide open, but this spill may change that for a long long time. Only silver lining is I might be able to get my son to move from Texas to Washington state. He was almost inconsolable when I talked to him today. He will spend his last nickle to go offshore on overnight trips. Now that might change. I would chance messing with his girl before messing with his fish.
              I need to make the time to hit those stripers one of these springs. I have so many places I like to go it's very difficult to do it all but I'm trying my best
              Good luck in the morning


              • steelman
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2008
                • 648

                I did pick up some ALXN $60 August calls today.
                It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by steelman View Post
                  I did pick up some ALXN $60 August calls today.
                  those calls were up .55 today. what did you get in at.


                  • steelman
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 648

                    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                    those calls were up .55 today. what did you get in at.
                    I got in at 2.25. I feel good about this one. It doesn't look like much is holding it back and Investools has a projected price of $579. Seemed like a safe play.

                    I am still trying to get my head around HOV. What a nice pick you had!??!?! I took a little of the profit and went back in on the $10 August calls.
                    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by steelman View Post
                      I did pick up some ALXN $60 August calls today.

                      I think ALXN's PE may be a little understated...it looks like they took a big one time tax gain last quarter which led to a swell in earnings.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        Originally posted by steelman View Post
                        I got in at 2.25. I feel good about this one. It doesn't look like much is holding it back and Investools has a projected price of $579. Seemed like a safe play.

                        I am still trying to get my head around HOV. What a nice pick you had!??!?! I took a little of the profit and went back in on the $10 August calls.
                        what did you buy those Aug $10 calls at steel?


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          [quote=skiracer;104893]what did you buy those Aug $10 calls at steel? i think i'll be buying some of them tomorrow at under $1 around .95 or so.


                          • steelman
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 648

                            Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                            what did you buy those Aug $10 calls at steel? i think i'll be buying some of them tomorrow at under $1 around .95 or so.
                            Ski, I bought them at 2.25.
                            It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                            • steelman
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 648

                              I just came back from vacation. I wasn't really able to keep up on everything and saw some crazy swings in the indexes over the last 8 days..wow! My search at the end of trading today brought these 6 bullish stocks near support.

                              TTC Toro Company
                              HOG Harley Davidson
                              FAST Fastenal Company
                              UA Under Armour Inc.
                              TDY Teledyne Technologies, Inc.
                              HTZ Hertz Global Holdings, Inc.

                              Dow was down 114 today. I hope it's time to back over 11,000 tomorrow. If it does, these should do well.
                              It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                This is a great thread with unlimited potential, but I have a few questions. At the Barchart.com website they seem to use your support point as their pivot point with a lower number for support. Here's what they have today.

                                Stock------Closing Price------Pivot-----Support







                                I think you're talking about the same thing using different terminology. Assuming most of these break out above current levels do you have a set sell point in mind or do you adjust based on moving resistance? Thanksv and keep up the good work.


