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  • dmk112
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 1759

    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
    I like him and I voted for him. I think he is just what this state needed. and the best part about it is that we got what we asked for and now that he's trying to do what needs to be done people are getting on him for doing it. the teachers make me sick to my stomach. all the civil service people and the cops and firefighters unions want their cake and want to eat it to. they think the well will never go dry but if something radical to curb fiscal spending and change the current mentality in our state and country isn't done soon we're doomed. at least Christie is taking the bull by the horns.
    I'm with you. I'm a bit sensitive since my sister is a teacher... I tell her that this was inevitable, you can't spend, spend, spend... I think all the teachers that shouldn't be teachers will be eliminated and I hope they get rid of the NJEA sons of bitches earning $200+k


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Originally posted by dmk112 View Post
      I'm with you. I'm a bit sensitive since my sister is a teacher... I tell her that this was inevitable, you can't spend, spend, spend... I think all the teachers that shouldn't be teachers will be eliminated and I hope they get rid of the NJEA sons of bitches earning $200+k
      talk about power in numbers. that union has created quite a niche for themselves and they cast a big shadow. they have had their way with the last several administrations and it's about time someone brought them down a notch or two and cut out the dead wood.


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        talk about power in numbers. that union has created quite a niche for themselves and they cast a big shadow. they have had their way with the last several administrations and it's about time someone brought them down a notch or two and cut out the dead wood.
        Actually I think the fat in school administration is much much bigger and they are self governing so they will never become more cost efficient.

        Christie is falling on his sword for his actions in NJ. However I do agree with his mission that we just can't afford this government spending anymore. We keep borrowing against the future to pay for it and it will make some societies crumble.

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Originally posted by skiracer View Post
          we got a junior senator from illinois running the show. just like jimmy carter, all the bad guys will be pissing down his calf now that they know his act. no guts, no action, no idea of what's going on. and we're paying the freight.
          Is it okay if I respectfully disagree? He has Guts with capital G, you don't call what he is doing Action? He absolutely knows what's going on. And almost all of the TARP money has been paid back. My only question is, what the heck are they doing with the paid-back TARP money? Heck, I don't trust politicians either. And I love it when he gets really mad and frustrated and yells!


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
            Is it okay if I respectfully disagree? He has Guts with capital G, you don't call what he is doing Action? He absolutely knows what's going on. And almost all of the TARP money has been paid back. My only question is, what the heck are they doing with the paid-back TARP money? Heck, I don't trust politicians either. And I love it when he gets really mad and frustrated and yells!
            i think he's all rethoric. i cant remember any president who I have disliked more than this guy. after two months of spewing oil he's sending another high ranking DEP official down to observe. Are they going to come back and tell us something that we already don't know? What about jobs? I'm talking about real jobs. What about our borders? What is he doing about Phoenix, Arizona being the capital of kidnapping in the world. What about the safety of the people of Arizona and the farmers that live along the Mexican border. What about the Mexican mafia and drug lords having their way down along our border. When was the last time you can remember seeing the American people this much up in arms over his policies. He got a health bill passed and what good is it doing us with jobs or the economy. Now he's pushed thru some kind of new financial regulation bill. And of course there's the nuculear treaty where we gave away the ship and russia and china are holding all the get out of jail free cards. He certainly made alot of headway with the Iranian situation. Turkey and Brazil are now going to be Iran's new trading partners and will be sharing their nuculear work with the Iranians. He's done alot and it's all been rethoric and smoke and mirrors. I'm really surprised that you have bought into it.


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by skiracer View Post
              i think he's all rethoric. i cant remember any president who I have disliked more than this guy. after two months of spewing oil he's sending another high ranking DEP official down to observe. Are they going to come back and tell us something that we already don't know? What about jobs? I'm talking about real jobs. What about our borders? What is he doing about Phoenix, Arizona being the capital of kidnapping in the world. What about the safety of the people of Arizona and the farmers that live along the Mexican border. What about the Mexican mafia and drug lords having their way down along our border. When was the last time you can remember seeing the American people this much up in arms over his policies. He got a health bill passed and what good is it doing us with jobs or the economy. Now he's pushed thru some kind of new financial regulation bill. And of course there's the nuculear treaty where we gave away the ship and russia and china are holding all the get out of jail free cards. He certainly made alot of headway with the Iranian situation. Turkey and Brazil are now going to be Iran's new trading partners and will be sharing their nuculear work with the Iranians. He's done alot and it's all been rethoric and smoke and mirrors. I'm really surprised that you have bought into it.
              I'm a Libertarian (with a heart)

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • dmk112
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2004
                • 1759

                Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                i think he's all rethoric. i cant remember any president who I have disliked more than this guy. after two months of spewing oil he's sending another high ranking DEP official down to observe. Are they going to come back and tell us something that we already don't know? What about jobs? I'm talking about real jobs. What about our borders? What is he doing about Phoenix, Arizona being the capital of kidnapping in the world. What about the safety of the people of Arizona and the farmers that live along the Mexican border. What about the Mexican mafia and drug lords having their way down along our border. When was the last time you can remember seeing the American people this much up in arms over his policies. He got a health bill passed and what good is it doing us with jobs or the economy. Now he's pushed thru some kind of new financial regulation bill. And of course there's the nuculear treaty where we gave away the ship and russia and china are holding all the get out of jail free cards. He certainly made alot of headway with the Iranian situation. Turkey and Brazil are now going to be Iran's new trading partners and will be sharing their nuculear work with the Iranians. He's done alot and it's all been rethoric and smoke and mirrors. I'm really surprised that you have bought into it.
                100% agree w/ ski. He's mocking the Arizona gov for taking ACTION to finally fight illegal immigration. The federal gov't has DONE NOTHING about the situation and he has the balls to criticize the gov for actually doing something.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by dmk112 View Post
                  100% agree w/ ski. He's mocking the Arizona gov for taking ACTION to finally fight illegal immigration. The federal gov't has DONE NOTHING about the situation and he has the balls to criticize the gov for actually doing something.
                  the mexicans are running rampant in Arizona. they're kidnapping people at their leisure without to much resistance. the left and far left have their priorities mixed up. this is our country and if you are here illegally to do illegal activities whether you're mexican or some other nationality then either throw them out when they're caught or shoot em dead. but even better protect our borders in a way that lets them know if they get caught they will rue the day. that is the only deterent. get caught doing illegal activities in mexico if you are an American and see what you get. that mexican president makes me laugh when he says we are discriminating against mexicans. if things are so good in mexico why are they flocking to come here.


                  • mrfly
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 23


                    I am a rookie, so I'm asking from this perspective.

                    I love Netflix, I don't like paying over $50 for the ride. Blockbuster has it's issues i know, but does anyone think that they will go bankrupt soon or in the next 5 years? Netflix doesn't have the overhead------ Blockbuster, you can do an immediate trade for a video because they do have the overhead and thus the stores. On the other hand, with Netflix-- you have the see it now options, blockbuster you don't. So I subscribe to both myself for that reason. My girl likes the see it now options on Netflix, and I like getting the most recent bad a$$ bluerays at blockbuster now, not waiting for netflix because there is a long wait---those that have netflix know what I mean.

                    My Point

                    I don't see any reason for blockbuster to go under anytime soon and for 0.33 seems like a steal !! Also a beta score of 1.02

                    Any thoughts


                    • dmk112
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 1759

                      Originally posted by mrfly View Post
                      I am a rookie, so I'm asking from this perspective.

                      I love Netflix, I don't like paying over $50 for the ride. Blockbuster has it's issues i know, but does anyone think that they will go bankrupt soon or in the next 5 years? Netflix doesn't have the overhead------ Blockbuster, you can do an immediate trade for a video because they do have the overhead and thus the stores. On the other hand, with Netflix-- you have the see it now options, blockbuster you don't. So I subscribe to both myself for that reason. My girl likes the see it now options on Netflix, and I like getting the most recent bad a$$ bluerays at blockbuster now, not waiting for netflix because there is a long wait---those that have netflix know what I mean.

                      My Point

                      I don't see any reason for blockbuster to go under anytime soon and for 0.33 seems like a steal !! Also a beta score of 1.02

                      Any thoughts
                      It's only a matter of time IMO... who will want to go and drive to a B&M store if you can watch it on your computer and soon just stream every movie over every TV.

