Never Pay Full (market price) for a Stock
OK, so you've done your homework, found the perfect stock, and are hot to make the buy. Wait a minute! How often have you bought a stock that has continued to advance without a dip from the moment you purchased it? I'd venture to say almost never. Put a limit order on the next great stock. At least at a point that will pay your transaction fees. High dollar stocks such as AAPL commonly have price swings of 5.00 either way so adjust your limit accordingly. On an under 10.00 stock, maybe .25 under market would be a very reasonable purchase point. Since I've been buying this way I've almost always got the buy. Sometimes having to adjust upward if the buy doesn't go through after several days but remember the market rarely has 5 consecutive days up and conversely rarely has 5 straight days down. And it feels like you're sticking it to the man when you get a great stock at your price.
OK, so you've done your homework, found the perfect stock, and are hot to make the buy. Wait a minute! How often have you bought a stock that has continued to advance without a dip from the moment you purchased it? I'd venture to say almost never. Put a limit order on the next great stock. At least at a point that will pay your transaction fees. High dollar stocks such as AAPL commonly have price swings of 5.00 either way so adjust your limit accordingly. On an under 10.00 stock, maybe .25 under market would be a very reasonable purchase point. Since I've been buying this way I've almost always got the buy. Sometimes having to adjust upward if the buy doesn't go through after several days but remember the market rarely has 5 consecutive days up and conversely rarely has 5 straight days down. And it feels like you're sticking it to the man when you get a great stock at your price.