give it a day or so then watch for it to run.
isrg 278 +/-
has a higher beta and pe,, which is good if you want a bullish trade.
last week everyone was talking about goog or aapl,, yet amzn paid me more
you are going to gain more bullish momo with ISRG at 278 than DVA at 64
im am using market mentum to my advantage
even with todays 'down trap' shld is up more than grannies panties PG,, last weeks notes:
shld Beta: 1.67 pg Beta: 0.51 ,, traders in shld made money,, pg just held a bag
beta is NOTHING about value or who is better,, its about action up or down
ibm actually gained beta after it tanked on e's while back
why? because it had become a boring bloat held by boring people. now its a beta .68------still boring
back to aapl/goog/amzn (about last weeks action):
aapl and amzn of course with goog were at the top of my watchlists,, but amzn had all the score behind it,, so i went with amzn,, and amzn did out perform with near +15% gain off 122-->139 both aapl 235-259= 10% gain +++(and im spotting aapl $5 to get that gain otherwise it would be 240->258= 8%gain) and goog. 448 +5%-470
Anyone still own this one?
I know $$MM$$ took his profits on this one eons ago. I wasn't as smart and held it because I was convinced it would go up forever. Not too smart.
It was up about $40/share yesterday after reporting earnings. Just wondering if anyone else is still sticking with this one. I'm tempted to get out now with a small loss.