bear with me,, i am trying to not crowd others,, so i have no idea if this is the correct area to start a forum.
Tag - you're it. Tag's stock ideas!
cree at $50
why do i like it so much?
i love that chart,, i love the growth and f/a triggers,, and that there is a decent rumor that SI is interested in buying them out,, and SI does have the money to do so at $100 EASY.
i think traders should go long,, and if your into high beta rewards,, you can buy out of the money calls for pennies (btw,, i am addicted to options)
and to allow for market waves of bullishness and bearishness,, i am suggesting a few months out.
Call Options Expire at close Friday, December 17, 2010
Strike Symbol Last Chg Bid Ask Vol Open Int
30.00 CREE101218C00030000 20.50 1.00 20.40 21.55 1 1
35.00 CREE101218C00035000 17.05 1.85 15.85 16.30 22 155
37.50 CREE101218C00037500 13.90 0.00 13.90 14.15 1 1
40.00 CREE101218C00040000 12.25 0.10 11.90 12.10 2 278
42.50 CREE101218C00042500 10.34 0.00 10.00 10.20 2 3
45.00 CREE101218C00045000 8.30 0.40 8.30 8.45 2 975
47.50 CREE101218C00047500 7.20 0.00 6.80 6.95 7 617
50.00 CREE101218C00050000 5.60 0.20 5.45 5.60 188 2,757
52.50 CREE101218C00052500 4.50 0.10 4.30 4.45 78 1,867
55.00 CREE101218C00055000 3.60 0.05 3.40 3.50 36 3,039
57.50 CREE101218C00057500 2.68 0.21 2.63 2.69 7 334
60.00 CREE101218C00060000 2.02 0.18 2.01 2.06 341 2,266
62.50 CREE101218C00062500 1.70 0.00 1.52 1.57 58 353
65.00 CREE101218C00065000 1.21 0.11 1.15 1.19 16 5,517
70.00 CREE101218C00070000 0.68 0.04 0.65 0.69 4 882
75.00 CREE101218C00075000 0.36 0.27 0.36 0.46 1 653
80.00 CREE101218C00080000 0.26 0.13 0.21 0.28 10 638
85.00 CREE101218C00085000 0.23 0.00 0.10 0.20 2 1,592
90.00 CREE101218C00090000 0.13 0.00 0.05 0.11 2 538
95.00 CREE101218C00095000 0.18 0.00 0.02 0.12 2 521
100.00 CREE101218C00100000 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.10 3 373
Tag, thank you for sharing your thoughts on CREE.
I loved your call and analysis on ISRG and appreciate you sharing your hard work.
I am also in CREE and do enjoy options; especially trading call options.
What is your logic on the Oct 57.5 calls? Usually I would like to be further out than Oct but seeing the way they beat earnings last quarter and the immediate drop in the price I am guessing you are looking for a run up into earnings and be out 5-10 days before expiration (assuming you are still out of the money)?
Thanks again for sharing your picks and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
thank you
normally i like further out options,, but i noticed i was often mis matching the beta stocks to low beta stocks. so you aim tighter and a bit higher with high betas.
high betas can pop at the end of any 'calendar' event.
new month
new quarter
you get the idea.
now going into the winter 'energy and retailers' tend to be a strong sector (holidays) you know,, get in the car and go shopping.
cree is an energy stock,, LED lights
(side note, i was pounding the table on CREE at $32 while cnbs was pumping INTC at 19,, intc is basically the same price and CREE gave longs the rewards.. for a reason,,
INTC is sorta like a real fat old lady,, she dated cnbc back in 1990-2000,,, then she gained alot of weight..
Shares Outstanding5: 5.57B
Float: 5.57B
but CREE is a slim sexy chick weighing in at
Shares Outstanding5: 108.06M
Float: 103.36M
now every few months cnbc likes to trot INTC out and spin her around and tell you just how beautiful she is and how you must want her so badly. meanwhile dozens of insurance/hedgers/traders get all excited,, because they were the original investors of intc,, so they are sitting on a ton of stock,, never buying,, heck no,, they rent the fat lady out by getting everyone excited so they can flood the markets with covered calls.. they dont even care if they accidently misprice the calls because you can always rebuy the stock in some blood bath down the road. (ditto ibm)
so why is it with intc trading millions of shares a day,, the fat chick cant climb up hill? ,,, well have you ever thought about the energy it takes to put a fat chick in a shopping cart,, then push her up a hill????? ,,,,,,,,meantime,, CREE is lean,, and not as advertised as intc...............
now i took you 'off track',,,,,,,,lets return to CREE.. why do i like it so much..
picture in your head las vegas and hong kong at night,,,,,,,,,,all that glitters is gold,, lotsa sparkly lights.
china is starving for energy,,we are starving for energy (sort of,, we do have tons of natgas we aint using).........anyway,,,,,,,,,,,i figure somebody is gonna say,, you know,, we need that cree to replace all those light fixtures.
SI is a perfect match for CREE. or (should i say it) some oil company.
no short squeeze in scoreboards yesterday
for stocks that were overshorted it wasnt a bad day (CREE).
most/many stocks have little or no shorts to squeeze.
the concept is about bullishness or bearishness weighting. this year like last year was given huge weight to the bullish side, next year the traders will have to show real skill instead of 'just be a bull'
bulls have 95% of the market,, that is called var.
its takes no skill to be a bull,, it takes skill to be a trader and it takes skill and guts to be a bear.
bears dont short good stocks
bears are like david fighting golith, the bulls start off with 2-1 up to 20-1 margin leverage, the bears are under 'weaponed' so they must be f/a & t/a correct
notice the newbies of fallen stocks always blame bears when their stock collapses,, and yet there were few shorts in the stock,, there is a myth out there that everything is being attacked by 'naked shorts',,
naked shorts used to attack the otc markets (berlin germany was the worst) but they finally figured out bigger easy money was made in shorting the top name brand stocks like PG or whoever... why?
this is how it worked/s:
if i am in berlin, i can get cash in my pocket for the day waiting for the american markets to open,, then target a large stock with lots of volume.. then simply 'sell some shares' when the action gets high in the stock (normally the 1st hour).. then i call it a day.
the naked shorts finally figured out that shorting a small company took too long for action and if the float was too small somebody might notice.. but if you 'sell' shares of a mega volume stock then nobody was likely to notice.
understand that their selling shares for cash, not shorting the stock as you and i (the traders) perceive their action to be.. they GOT the cash,, they are not shorting/naked shorting the stock-
'naked short'
how can it NOT be a short?
they never intended to short,, they only sold 'shares' small shares.. its like padding a time card.,, you simply write in your hours and get paid for doing nothing.. use a internet bank/platform that doesnt monitor their traders activity,, ie,,, look how easy it is for credit card data to get stolen and used.. look how easy it is for some scam off american soil to call you on your cell phone and charge you $.99-$6-$9 for answering the call or texting back.
its a digital world,, the finance industry is not and has not been able to control it,,, its like trying to stop or control pop ups on the net,, you can stop most but not all.. or virus's,, all the software in the world wont stop a smarter writer/hacker.