free screener

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deaddog View Post
    Anything in particular you are looking for?
    Hey Deaddog, I'm looking for a set of tools that I'm comfortable using over the long term. While I appreciate all of the sage advice I gather from the forum, I would like to be a little dependent and provide my own point of view. I'm also trying to learn along the way.

    Anyway, I'm still running through the MM model and I've found that I do like using TD Waterhouse's screener thus far. It allows me to tweek parameters a little more. Also, I can use my screens to cover the Canadian exchange as well. (Deaddog, are you trading Canadian stocks?)

    Unfortunately, I'm not subscribed to IDB so I can't really use it as a reference (as the MM model suggests) but it appears that TD does have some analyst's consensus screening criteria which may offer a different perspective.

    I like the new thread, BTW. Keep it going...
    Last edited by Guest; 11-05-2010, 03:49 AM.


    • Deaddog
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 740

      Originally posted by Eric View Post
      Hey Deaddog, I'm looking for a set of tools that I'm comfortable using over the long term. While I appreciate all of the sage advice I gather from the forum, I would like to be a little dependent and provide my own point of view. I'm also trying to learn along the way.

      (Deaddog, are you trading Canadian stocks?)

      I like the new thread, BTW. Keep it going...
      Yup I trade Canadian stocks; mostly long term stuff for the income.

      I haven’t found a decent scanner for Canadian stocks. At least not what I look for, so I’m doing most of my short term trading on the US market. More choice and better info.

      After a quick look at the questrade screener I wasn’t impressed.

      You might want to look at if you are looking for TA on Canadian stocks. It’s the best I have found. It also has a link to stockhouse for fundamental info.
      It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


      • #18
        Unless I was blind last night, Google just introduced a screener to their finance section today. The setup is very similar to what TD Waterhouse offers.


        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          OK, I cobbled together some screens, based on the screens from hhansen, and this is my top 5 this week:


          I am not totally convinced, but that is what paper trading is for. I am going to resurrect my Marketocracy portfolio.


          My Investopedia portfolio
          (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


          • hhansen
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2009
            • 14

            Hey Karel,
            I've been out of touch for a while. What's the latest screeners you are using?
            It has been a while but I remember creating some good screens and I lost my notes from back then.

            I notice from the last post that you picked the Top5 above. 4 out of five of those picks hit 15% within 4-5 weeks (Nov 10 through Dev 16). I must have been on to something good I just can't remember.

            And as of today LCC US Airways is a big loser -20% but:
            AEZ +94%
            APKT +92%
            QCOR +58%
            SPRD +37%
            Not too shabby!!!


            • hhansen
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2009
              • 14

              BTW, I would not have picked LCC since it did not have 3 years of revenue growth nor did it have 3 years of positive earnings & growth.


              • Karel
                • Sep 2003
                • 2199

                Hi hhansen,

                thanks for your comments. I am quite surprised my picks did so well. I only knew about APKT, as I bought that one with real money.

                This method is not supposed to score all winners, and yes, you should check for things like continuing revenue growth and whatever you would like for your DD. $$$Mr. Market$$$ has a basket with (room for) 14 stocks and I think that might be quite a good balance between being too little and too much diversified for the purpose of this method of stock picking.


                My Investopedia portfolio
                (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


                • Megafauna
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 63

                  Originally posted by hhansen View Post
                  I stumbled across finviz and they have a free screener. I did a forum search and see IIC referenced the site a few times but I thought I would bring it up again for those still looking for a quality free screener (hint hint deaddog and the canadians).

                  Not perfect but close:
                  You can plug the v# after this url, e.g.

                  MM2: v=111&f=ta_highlow52w_b0to3h,ta_perf_52w300o&ft=4
                  {should really be within 2% of high, meh}

                  MM3: v=111&f=fa_eps5years_o20,ta_highlow52w_b0to5h,ta_p erf_52w100o&ft=4
                  {should really be price appreciation of > 150%}

                  MM4: v=111&f=fa_pe_u50,ta_highlow52w_b0to5h,ta_perf_52w 100o&ft=4
                  {should really be price appreciation of > 125%}

                  MM5: v=111&f=fa_pe_u15,ta_highlow52w_b0to5h,ta_perf_52w 50o&ft=4
                  {this one is okay}

                  If anyone wants to add samples of screens 1, 7, and 8.
                  So have you guys had luck using this and what parameters did you find most successful?


                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    It's good for finding volume after most sources erase it from the previous day.



                    • Megafauna
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 63

                      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                      It's good for finding volume after most sources erase it from the previous day.

                      What do you mean erased?? Whatever parameters you put in should come up with accurate figures.

                      Why only voume??

                      I guess the only drawback is it's not live quotes but must be 15 minutes delayed.

