ALTR Sold ==> 30 consecutive winners

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  • ico135
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 6

    Got in originally at 36.80 and doubled down after the your great write up. Sold half with you at 46. Come on HS, its your turn to run...Keep it up Mr. Market.


    • buckhunter
      • Jun 2009
      • 81

      Ready for the next one

      Thanks for steering me towards this money maker. I was just checking my financial records. Since I stumbled across your website in 2004, I've bought 59 of your picks including some stocks that were "bridesmaids". I've profited on 50 of those 59. That's a pretty good batting average!

      You are huge and you've helped me become semi-huge (or at least above average)!


      • riverbabe
        Senior Member
        • May 2005
        • 3373

        Congrats on another one.


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          that's 15

          give me 5 more

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • Deaddog
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2010
            • 740

            Congrats on another successful pick.
            As a relative noob I’ve only been following your method since last Oct.
            I have asked in the past about your position sizing and got what you could call the run around. I know, it’s none of my business.
            So I’ve been tracking your successes assuming you have the cash on hand for to buy 14 stocks in equal amounts. Say a portfolio that allows you to buy $5000 worth of each stock. So the starting value of the port would be $70,000. I started tracking in November.

            So far after 6 months I have you with an 11.36% return, invested in 8 stocks with a $30K cash reserve. That’s much better than I’m doing. Thanks for sharing.
            It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by Deaddog View Post
              Congrats on another successful pick.
              As a relative noob I’ve only been following your method since last Oct.
              I have asked in the past about your position sizing and got what you could call the run around. I know, it’s none of my business.
              So I’ve been tracking your successes assuming you have the cash on hand for to buy 14 stocks in equal amounts. Say a portfolio that allows you to buy $5000 worth of each stock. So the starting value of the port would be $70,000. I started tracking in November.

              So far after 6 months I have you with an 11.36% return, invested in 8 stocks with a $30K cash reserve. That’s much better than I’m doing. Thanks for sharing.
              You're way off...but having said that, an 11.36% return over 6 months with 38% of the portfolio in cash is pretty darn good. That would be like beating the market while holding a very low risk portfolio with a PE of about 9.

     the way. I am HUGE!. I still need 4 more replies.

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • rockycool
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2007
                • 6


                congrats on your recent winner.... can't wait to get the next pick


                • meelthon
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 2

                  Well played!

                  Congrats! Keep up the good work


                  • Deaddog
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 740

                    Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                    You're way off...but having said that, an 11.36% return over 6 months with 38% of the portfolio in cash is pretty darn good. That would be like beating the market while holding a very low risk portfolio with a PE of about 9.

           the way. I am HUGE!. I still need 4 more replies.
                    I knew I wouldn’t be close but that’s because you keep your position size (% of the portfolio not actual dollars invested) so closely guarded. Still not sure why that’s such a big secret. But if your gonna brag about superior results you gotta back it up with some numbers. You’re the guy with nothing to hide if I remember correctly.

                    I agree that 11% over six months is pretty darn good. Keep up the good work.
                    It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by Deaddog View Post
                      I knew I wouldn’t be close but that’s because you keep your position size (% of the portfolio not actual dollars invested) so closely guarded. Still not sure why that’s such a big secret. But if your gonna brag about superior results you gotta back it up with some numbers. You’re the guy with nothing to hide if I remember correctly.

                      I agree that 11% over six months is pretty darn good. Keep up the good work.
                      Does anyone else in this forum feel that it's important for me to "back it up with numbers"?

                      What's so bad about 30 consecutive winners? That seems like a pretty good record to stand behind.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        my .02 dollars

                        Originally posted by Deaddog View Post
                        I knew I wouldn’t be close but that’s because you keep your position size (% of the portfolio not actual dollars invested) so closely guarded. Still not sure why that’s such a big secret. But if your gonna brag about superior results you gotta back it up with some numbers. You’re the guy with nothing to hide if I remember correctly.

                        I agree that 11% over six months is pretty darn good. Keep up the good work.
                        I don't think it adds anything to this forum to comment on which pick was bigger or smaller (They're all HUGE anyway). The number he's bragging about is his winning streak, and that's simple enough to back up, and so he does.

                        True, the overall return is what counts, and so for simplicity's sake you may as well assume equal weights... why the heck not? Does anyone really care if he or you or I bought some more of one stock than another? I'm sure not basing any decision I make on whether he made the last pick a double or not, would you? I used to double down on picks I liked more, or ones that went down some, but realized I just wound up adding random noise to my returns, if not sabotaging the whole strategy by buying more of the losing picks. So now, I try for about equal positions each time, but don't really care if I fluctuate with +/-50% of a position, depending on how much cash I have available to buy the stock at the time. Since I have my money in different accounts, I may wind up with more free cash at one time than another. Over dozens of picks, it all just evens out anyway... do you really need to over-analyze to the tenth of a %, when you're beating the market by 5%? I'd rather see $$MM focusing on good research finding more and HUGER picks than trying to explain his position sizing strategy so we know whether he had a 14.2% or a 14.8% return so far this year.

                        For me, I was puzzling over the returns for this method when I first learned about it just like you did. However, rather than continually hounding the forum for the answers, I just performed the experiment by buying the picks in my account. Seeing my account's value going up over time is enough of a confirmation that the strategy works that I don't really need to know any more than which picks are the winners, and I'll do just fine. Not saying that you should do the same... just sayin'.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          I also tend to buy more if for some reason I really liked the pick, but this usually has worked against me. In the case of ALTR it worked. This was one of my alltime favorite picks. On the other hand, sometimes I completely disagree with the Huge Ones pick and don't buy. This always backfires, Mr.Market is just about 100% correct on the picks I hate so buy them all and you'll do fine.

                          Also I noticed at the point where I've got 10-15 good stocks meeting criteria only known to me, the losses in the occasional bad one are more than made up by the good ones, at about a 4-1 ratio. So, in other words, don't put all your eggs in the same basket.

                          I'll admit, Jiesen, sometimes when you mention that you've made your $$ with another Mr. Market pick, I think "da#* it again, why didn't I buy it"?



                          • Deaddog
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 740

                            Jiesen & Billyjoe point taken.

                            There is no doubt that 30 winners in a row is great. Called real time is better and sharing the method is HUGE.

                            With even position sizing we can come up with an overall return. Mr Market says that number is not even close. Mind you he doesn’t say whether we are high or low but I have to assume he does much better. 

                            Superior returns have to come from position sizing. I’m curious as to how he decides how much of a stock to buy. There has to be some method to his madness. Just hoping he would share.
                            It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


                            • mrmarket
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5971

                              Originally posted by Deaddog View Post
                              Jiesen & Billyjoe point taken.

                              There is no doubt that 30 winners in a row is great. Called real time is better and sharing the method is HUGE.

                              With even position sizing we can come up with an overall return. Mr Market says that number is not even close. Mind you he doesn’t say whether we are high or low but I have to assume he does much better. 

                              Superior returns have to come from position sizing. I’m curious as to how he decides how much of a stock to buy. There has to be some method to his madness. Just hoping he would share.
                              I explained this previously. It's not as scientific as maybe you think. Maybe I am charging too much for my site...and that's what's got you concerned?

                              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                              • rayh78
                                Junior Member
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 5

                                Another thanks for the pick.

