how do you guys handle this?

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  • er9
    Junior Member
    • May 2011
    • 4

    how do you guys handle this?

    i noticed mr market recently sold HS and FOSL for a profit. if his next scan turned up either of those two stocks as final picks do you guys re-invest for another go at 15%? or do you scan / screen prior to closing a position and simply add or hold it if it comes up again in a new screen?

    i did my first screen / scan this weekend and HS and FOSL were my two finalists but i notice many of you have already bought and sold both it seems.

  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    $$$Mr. Market$$$ avoids picking the same stock shortly after he has sold. I do (did, because I have to get myself running again) so too. No special reason. You just go down in the list. The stocks a few ranks down are good too.

    Another tip: don't run this method every week. As stocks gain, they tend to drop off the screens because of their valuation.


    My Investopedia portfolio
    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


    • er9
      Junior Member
      • May 2011
      • 4

      Originally posted by Karel View Post
      $$$Mr. Market$$$ avoids picking the same stock shortly after he has sold. I do (did, because I have to get myself running again) so too. No special reason. You just go down in the list. The stocks a few ranks down are good too.

      Another tip: don't run this method every week. As stocks gain, they tend to drop off the screens because of their valuation.


      interesting...much thanks.


      • Megafauna
        • Mar 2008
        • 63

        Originally posted by Karel View Post
        $$$Mr. Market$$$ avoids picking the same stock shortly after he has sold. I do (did, because I have to get myself running again) so too. No special reason. You just go down in the list. The stocks a few ranks down are good too.

        Another tip: don't run this method every week. As stocks gain, they tend to drop off the screens because of their valuation.


        You are talking about the screener that was posted here right?

        How do you set up the screener please?

