When a good pizza pie comes along , the public will buy. People want their Pizza Hot , Healthy, and served up fast. Well along comes PIZZA INN ( PZZI ) and all 3 requirements are satisfied. Investors of course want to see some good financials no matter how good the pies are . Well here is the latest Quarterly report for PZZI http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroo....html?d=221592
Investors look for innovative ideas .....How about Gourmet Pizzas that can be served up to the customer in less than 5 minutes , with an myriad of toppings to the "casual crowd" meaning those who would frequent the Starbucks coffee houses ......yuppies , individuals who are a little light in the loafers , and basically people with cash who appreciate quality. Check out how PZZI is starting to penetrate these markets the Link is here http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroo....html?d=223634
How about opening up some PZZI locations at convenience stores where you can fill your fill your gas tank as well as your belly......Well PZZI has that covered also ..check out this link! http://www.pizzamarketplace.com/arti...Inn-s-presence
I have yet to taste one of their pies ......has anyone eaten a PZZI pie and is willing to comment?.....Any thoughts about the pie or stock would be appreciated.
Investors look for innovative ideas .....How about Gourmet Pizzas that can be served up to the customer in less than 5 minutes , with an myriad of toppings to the "casual crowd" meaning those who would frequent the Starbucks coffee houses ......yuppies , individuals who are a little light in the loafers , and basically people with cash who appreciate quality. Check out how PZZI is starting to penetrate these markets the Link is here http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroo....html?d=223634
How about opening up some PZZI locations at convenience stores where you can fill your fill your gas tank as well as your belly......Well PZZI has that covered also ..check out this link! http://www.pizzamarketplace.com/arti...Inn-s-presence
I have yet to taste one of their pies ......has anyone eaten a PZZI pie and is willing to comment?.....Any thoughts about the pie or stock would be appreciated.