UNH ==> The Space Shuttle Winner

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    UNH ==> The Space Shuttle Winner

    We have Ipods, Ipads, ARods, KRods, Clouds, Facebooks and Twitter. Now I don’t know about any of this stuff, but what I do know is that since people were cavemen, they always got sick. For as long as people were sick, there were people who felt that they knew how to make them well. First there were witchdoctors, now there is Obamacare. Now I don’t know if evolution is going in the right direction, but I do know there is a way to make a buck off of all of this.
    Today I bought UNH (UnitedHealth Group Incorporated) at 52.08. I will sell it in 4 to 6 weeks at 59.99. Here’s why I like UNH.

    Take a look at this lovely chart:

    UNH stock price is up 70% in the last 52 weeks. That’s a tidy return in a very turbulent environment. The ascension of this stock price has been slow and steady. Even though shares are trading near the 52-week high, the valuations are still attractive. In addition to its low P/E, UnitedHealth has a price-to-book ratio of only 2.0, which is well under the 3.0 cut-off for a value stock. It also has a low price-to-sales (P/S) ratio of just 0.6. A P/S ratio under 1.0 usually indicates value. Additionally, shareholders are also rewarded with a dividend yielding 1.0%. Try getting that from your savings account. All in all this is a pretty good deal for this earnings engine.

    UnitedHealth Group Incorporated provides healthcare services in the United States. UnitedHealth Group offers a broad spectrum of products and services through two distinct platforms: UnitedHealthcare, which provides health care coverage and benefits services; and Optum, which provides information and technology-enabled health services. Its Health Benefits segment offers consumer-oriented health benefit plans and services to national employers, public sector employers, mid-sized employers, small businesses, and individuals; and non-employer based insurance options for purchase by individuals. It also provides health and well-being services for individuals aged 50 and older; and for services dealing with chronic disease and other specialized issues for older individuals, as well as health plans for the beneficiaries of acute and long-term care Medicaid plans. This segment offers its services through a network of 730,000 physicians and other health care professionals, and 5,300 hospitals. The company was founded in 1974 and is based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. (One of my least favorite wrestlers was Tatonka.)

    Over 250 million people had health insurance coverage in 2009. National managed care enrollment in 2010 was 135 million. Managed care still has good growth prospects among the uninsured, Medicare and Medicaid populations. With more than 1,000 managed care organizations operating in the U.S. the health plan market is fragmented. UNH is ranked number two in enrollment. In the last five years through 2010, UNH has increased its health plan enrollment by 7% per year while growing its revenue by 16% per year. To the winners go the spoils. Size does matter in this business. Its scale, IT services capabilities and cash flow should enable it to manage better than most peers amid health care reform. UNH has been, and will be, a consolidator as the smaller guys weaken.

    There will be continued membership gains as people start getting back to work and as the Medicare population increases and Medicaid recipients switch to managed care programs.

    UNH generates mad amounts of cash to fund acquisitions. With its scale, they are positioned to rob market share from the hundreds of smaller rivals that may not be able to survive in the new health-care environment. The healthcare industry is going to be the focus of a lot of governmental regulation and larger companies have the staff to negotiate those hurdles much better than the smaller players.

    How big is United? With a name like United, how could it be small? Its market capitalization is $56,089,560,000. Its revenue for the most recent fiscal year was $94,155,000,000 Health-care companies will face a future in which the government and insurers will be tightening their belts in regards to health-care funding. The small guys will get the squeeze. Health-care spending in the U.S. could increase by $3 trillion in the next ten years, so even with its huge scale, UNH is poised, and still has room, to grow in this fertile landscape.

    Financially speaking, UnitedHealth Group looks decent on paper. It produced a nice ROE of 19% and grew its operations reasonably well over the past five years. It has a conservative capital structure with Total Debt / Equity of only 44%. In looking at pricing, only UnitedHealth looks really cheap with Enterprise Value / FCF of only 10.

    Starting this year, insurers must meet minimum medical-loss ratios or issue rebates to customers. The new rule governing so-called MLRs aims to ensure that a good portion of the premiums an insurer collects goes toward care and not profits or big salaries. But the regulation had worried insurance investors and ANAL-ysts because it essentially regulates company profits. Understanding these MLR floor levels provides a huge planning advantage for the companies with the scale of UNH. In the first quarter of this year, UNH’s earnings beat the ANAL-ysts estimates by 37%. You think they have a handle on things…ya think??

    On April 21, UNH reported its first quarter results and saw sales rise 10% to $25.4 billion. UnitedHealth added 1.2 million people to their scrolls in the quarter. Earnings were $1.22 compared to the ANAL-ysts consensus of just 89 cents. Operating margin widened to 8% from 7.7%. This was the 9th consecutive earnings surprise…when do you think they’re gonna get it?

    The ANAL-ysts are projecting earnings of $4.17/share on sales of $101.49 billion. Lucy..don’t be ridiculous. The company already admitted it sees increasing demand. $$$MR. MARKET$$$ projects that revenues will actually be $103.4 billion which will, with the widening operating margins, generate EPS of $5.12/share. If you take these earnings and multiply it by the PE ration of 12, you get as share price of: $5.12 x 12 = $61.44…and don’t forget to collect your dividend along the way!

    Here’s what the boss, Stephen Hemsley (no not Sherman Helmsley) had to say:

    “We are pleased to report that the company’s positive momentum from 2009 and 2010 is carrying over to 2011 and continues to advance steadily and broadly. The people of UnitedHealth Group are delivering consistent performance; solid fundamental execution and practical innovation on behalf of the people we serve and for the advancement of the health care system itself.

    We are increasingly recognized for the quality of our service and the affordability
    and value we deliver. The ultimate proof of this effort comes from the strong growth and positive marketplace response we have realized. In response to the greater than anticipated growth across virtually all of our businesses, in April, we increased our performance outlook for 2011 revenue growth and earnings. Our businesses generate significant cash flow annually. In the last year, we established a meaningful shareholder dividend, while maintaining our share repurchase program. We continue to increase our investments in technology and innovation and remain active in business expansions, all of which strengthens both our health services and health benefits businesses. We are managing our capital position to sustain strong levels of regulated capital, as well as overall balance sheet strength and flexibility. Our portfolio of products and services is growing strongly. And the products and services we bring to market are more affordable in how they are designed and delivered and – importantly – in how they perform for our customers. We are driving higher clinical access and quality, better information and connectivity and more affordable care and care delivery. We have become more flexible and innovative in our products, services and approaches, and we’re getting better at combining our capabilities in practical ways to meet specific customer and market needs. We are developing new ways to serve our markets in new venues. Today, we can be found in retail settings, social networks, mobile applications, delivered through clouds and through Internet connectivity, imbedded in alliances and associations, and from inside care provider systems and care settings, as well as delivered through consultants, brokers and agents serving the spectrum of market segments.”

    Wouldn’t that be funny if their CEO was actually Sherman Helmsley from the Jeffersons?

    So it looks they are MOVIN ON UP!

    Well we're movin on up,
    To the east side.
    To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
    Movin on up
    To the east side.
    We finally got a piece of the pie.

    Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
    Beans don't burn on the grill.
    Took a whole lotta tryin'
    Just to get up that hill.
    Now we're up in the big leagues
    Gettin' our turn at bat.
    As long as we live, it's you and me baby
    There ain't nothin wrong with that.

    Well we're movin on up,
    To the east side.
    To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
    Movin on up
    To the east side.
    We finally got a piece of the pie.

    Let me know if you liked this stock and this write up…if yes, there will surely be more to come! Don’t forget to share with a friend.

    I am HUGE!!

    $$$MR. MARKET$$$
    Last edited by Karel; 07-28-2011, 10:35 AM. Reason: Image repaired

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • buckhunter
    • Jun 2009
    • 81

    Love the write-up, not crazy about the company

    I always look forward to your write-ups and this one definitely delivered, but I may have to sit this one out for a couple reasons. I owned some UNH shares many years ago when they had a scandal around back-dating of options. The stock got clobbered.

    Another reason they're on my list is that I interviewed with UnitedHealth Group in their Minnetonka office about 10 years ago. I didn't get the job. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have complimented the hiring manager on her great rack. I was just trying to make conversation before the interview got started.

    Good luck with this pick!


    • Chips
      • Nov 2010
      • 48

      In at $52.18
      I was beginning to wonder if you were going to pick from that last five as it seems like this one and all the others scored a little low using your scoring system and it seems to be a little low in the IDB group standing also, but what the hey, it's rising today. Still, I do use stops even if they are only mental ones. Just my piece of mind.
      Good luck Mr. Market. No dening it...You are $HUGE$


      • Gary611
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2005
        • 316

        Good Times, $$Mr.Mkt$$

        Weezy, you got a winner here, Nyuk,Nyuk!
        99 percent of Politicians give the rest a bad name.


        • Deaddog
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 740

          We should know in less than a week.
          Earning before market opens on July 19th.
          It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Originally posted by buckhunter View Post
            I always look forward to your write-ups and this one definitely delivered, but I may have to sit this one out for a couple reasons. I owned some UNH shares many years ago when they had a scandal around back-dating of options. The stock got clobbered.

            Another reason they're on my list is that I interviewed with UnitedHealth Group in their Minnetonka office about 10 years ago. I didn't get the job. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have complimented the hiring manager on her great rack. I was just trying to make conversation before the interview got started.

            Good luck with this pick!
            She should have taken it as a compliment. Most women hunters would have.



            • toxo
              • Nov 2008
              • 86


              Jeez... another one! What am I going to do with all my earnings!


              • Mkcord
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2011
                • 17

                Great write up! Can't waitnto rake in mor HUGE money.


                • NCcoach
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26

                  I had been looking at this stock for a while, and feel it is a good medium to long term play anyway...so with Mr. Market feeling it has the potential to gain 15% in the near term, I'm going along for the ride also.


                  • jiesen
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5319

                    Nice pick!

                    and excellent writeup, $$MM! I'm in with you at 52. Cya at 60! ('cause we're movin on UP!)


                    • tiedyed1
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 599

                      With earnings tomorrow, I am also in today at $51.41 as well as picked up in the money calls.

                      Let It Rock!


                      • tiedyed1
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 599

                        (6:26 AM ET) FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) -- Unitedhealth Group Inc.on Tuesday said second-quarter earnings jumped 12.8% to $1.27 billion, or $1.16 a share, from $1.12 billion, or 99 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenues rose to $25.2 billion from $23.3 billion. A survey of analysts by FactSet Research produced a consensus forecast of 91 cents a share. The Minnetonka, Minn.-based health-care company said the results were highlighted by strong revenue growth from both its UnitedHealthcare and Optum businesses. The company raised its full-year 2011 projections for revenue to $101 billion, with net earnings now seen in the range of $4.15 to $4.25 a share. The company previously forecast full-year earnings of $3.95 to $4.05 a share. Analysts expect full-year profit of $4.20 a share, according to FactSet.


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          Originally posted by tiedyed1 View Post
                          (6:26 AM ET) FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) -- Unitedhealth Group Inc.on Tuesday said second-quarter earnings jumped 12.8% to $1.27 billion, or $1.16 a share, from $1.12 billion, or 99 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenues rose to $25.2 billion from $23.3 billion. A survey of analysts by FactSet Research produced a consensus forecast of 91 cents a share. The Minnetonka, Minn.-based health-care company said the results were highlighted by strong revenue growth from both its UnitedHealthcare and Optum businesses. The company raised its full-year 2011 projections for revenue to $101 billion, with net earnings now seen in the range of $4.15 to $4.25 a share. The company previously forecast full-year earnings of $3.95 to $4.05 a share. Analysts expect full-year profit of $4.20 a share, according to FactSet.

                          If there's an up market today..could see a big move.

                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • #14
                            Good Price Today

                            UNH dipped to $50 today, so I bought some more down there... looked like a good price!


                            • Karel
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 2199

                              In at 50ish. When the sellers-on-the-news go away, we might see some positive action.


                              My Investopedia portfolio
                              (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)

