Mr. Markets Thanksgiving 5 , the other 4

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Mr. Markets Thanksgiving 5 , the other 4

    Results of the Thanksgiving 5 picks:
    WSBK up20%

    Ctx dn .5%

    Fpic up 24%

    Hov dn 3%

    Whc up 4%

    WSBK and AXL
    They both made the jack
    For Mr. Market and the believers
    Who know he's got the knack


  • #2
    Nice poem, Billy Joe. I like humorous poems. Here's another:

    For those who ventured out on their own,
    instead of getting WSBK, where they were sent,
    they could have picked up some FPIC,
    and made another four percent.


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320


      do you really think you're funny?


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        Kid = Bec1

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5320

          yeah, I know

          sorry I encouraged it by responding. it was late and I let it get to me. won't happen again!


          • #6

            What is funny is how my simple writing can irritate you (and others.) It is really quite harmless drivel on an internet website. What I find quite humorous is the lack of respect for my football prognosticating shown by the Huge One. It is like he is too humbled and insecure to acknowledge my prowess. I pay him all due props for his stock-picking. Yet he takes every post of mine to heart like it really hurts him, instead of the light-hearted nature it is intended. I find that quite amusing.

            As I said in one of my first posts here, my main reason here is to make money. Simple as that. The Huge One has successfully selected stocks which have helped me make money. I am grateful for that. I am grateful for the wisdom of others on here as well. But for a man who relishes his creativity and humor one would think he would lighten up. I have PM'ed him early on when I thought he had a problem and I only got cryptic messages back. So be it. Lighten up peeps. People are dying in Iraq, kids are dying from the flu, crack babies are being born every day. I would think a guy could let off a few wisecracks on an internet message board without feeling ostracized. Perhaps I am wrong.


            • #7
              for what it's worth, I thought one of your comments was pretty funny a while back. just don't over do it, because then you become a prick

