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  • TraderPlayerPerson

    RM Update

    Another real money update! Although I think the market could head much lower soon, I bought some shares in CHK earlier today. I believe these problems are temporary. It's at a reasonable value here. The sharp selloff after a a long decline is making me think the timing is right for a starter position. I plan on buying maybe 600 shares total, but for now I own 200 shares.

    I'm still shorting XLF and EMM. 100 shares of EEM and 2,000 shares of XLF. I have a ton of cash sitting on the sidelines. I missed out on the first quarter rally, but as I said before I'm okay with this because I believe there will be another great opportunity to buy at depressed levels. One particular stock that has been catching my interest lately is SLW. I think this will be a great winner over 5-10 years. My thinking is that silver prices will have a nasty shakeout somewhere below $25, and that will be the time to buy SLW. Also at that time, I plan to buy CEF, a fund in Canada that holds gold and silver. Instead of being taxed at 35% for collectibles, you can file to have CEF taxed at long term 15% as a passive foreign investment company.

    I have many other stocks on my watchlist which I will mention in the weeks to come. MrMarket's TNH is on my list since but since I want to hold it longer, I will buy it on extreme weakness instead of at highs. I've also noticed this stock's "tape action" is a pretty good indicator for the market since the middle of last year. Well that's all I got for now folks.


    • riverbabe
      Senior Member
      • May 2005
      • 3373

      Originally posted by TraderPlayerPerson View Post
      Another real money update! Although I think the market could head much lower soon, I bought some shares in CHK earlier today. I believe these problems are temporary. It's at a reasonable value here. The sharp selloff after a a long decline is making me think the timing is right for a starter position. I plan on buying maybe 600 shares total, but for now I own 200 shares.

      I have many other stocks on my watchlist which I will mention in the weeks to come. MrMarket's TNH is on my list since but since I want to hold it longer, I will buy it on extreme weakness instead of at highs. I've also noticed this stock's "tape action" is a pretty good indicator for the market since the middle of last year. Well that's all I got for now folks.
      Hi TPP. Great minds think alike? I bot a starter position in CHK day before yesterday @ 16.60. I like the chart too. Looks like close to a bottom to me. Thanks for the validation.


      • ronbo64
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 5

        Hello out there. Mr newbie here. Has anyone here ever heard of or invested with 10PPM? I was reading about the markets today and ran into info about this opportunity. It sounds pretty good if it's a legit site. They say they can earn you 10% per month and they do iron condors or something like that. Some kind of condor. Would appreciate any info anyone had about them.
        I checked Google scam and didn't find much in there. I am going to keep looking. Hopefully something positive will pop up.


        • TraderPlayerPerson

          RM Update

          ronbo64: I haven't heard of them, but I would be suspicious of a system claiming to make 10% a month.

          Today I bought 100 shares of TNH. I've wanted to buy this for a longer term holding but this will be for a shorter term trade. It's corrected 40% from the highs and looks ready for a rally from oversold conditions. If the market rallies I will use that opportunity to short more financials and possibly other sectors. I'll also sell TNH depending how high and how fast it goes. I expect a sharp rally after a sharp selloff, maybe lasting until $240 or even $300 if the market overall goes to new highs. I haven't added to my CHK position and I'm still shorting XLF and EEM. I'm considering a silver position at these levels, but I feel there is one more leg down and I can buy it cheaper. I plan on buying CEF and SLW for silver/gold plays.


          • TraderPlayerPerson

            RM Update

            TNH rallied much more than I thought it would today. I think it will be higher in a month from now, but I sold 50 of the 100 shares towards end of the day. I don't want to start trading too much shorter term, but this rallied 13% in 1 day and might need a few days to cool off. I will want to add 25 or 50 shares on a mild pullback. Right now I will sit with the other half and see what the market brings this week.


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by TraderPlayerPerson View Post
              TNH rallied much more than I thought it would today. I think it will be higher in a month from now, but I sold 50 of the 100 shares towards end of the day. I don't want to start trading too much shorter term, but this rallied 13% in 1 day and might need a few days to cool off. I will want to add 25 or 50 shares on a mild pullback. Right now I will sit with the other half and see what the market brings this week.
              Good trade!

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • TraderPlayerPerson

                RM Update

                mrmarket: thank you huge one.

                I just sold my remaining 50 shares of TNH. This went over 15% from my purchase price in two days, meanwhile the s&pee went up less than 1%. I still like this stock and I think it will go higher. If it pulls back this week I will buy again for another quick trade.


                • TraderPlayerPerson

                  RM Update

                  I think we are near a bottom for the market and there will be a nice rally to trade before the election. I won't use more than 10-25% of my money to "play" this expected rally. I'm not buying or selling anything today, but I have an idea what I want to buy this week. I believe this rally will be lead by stocks that have been hammered down instead of stocks holding up well in recent months. I like many of the oversold names like TNH, JOY. I plan on buying around Friday on a pullback.


                  • TraderPlayerPerson

                    RM Update

                    The market has pulled back into Friday as I hoped it would. I expect some type of reversal back to the upside today, but we will see. I'm going to start buying some stocks near the open with 1/3 of my full position size. The first one I want to buy is JOY because I think it bottomed yesterday. I'll wait with my smaller position unless there is a strong rally today. Should be an interesting day as always.


                    • TraderPlayerPerson

                      RM Update

                      I just put in my order for 100 shares of JOY. I think this has bottomed with the earning gap down yesterday. I missed buying TNH near the open at 194. It's gone up to 199 so I will wait for it to come back down some. Right now in fact it's trading at 196. I'm not buying with abandon yet.


                      • TraderPlayerPerson

                        RM Update

                        I've put in my orders for 100 shares of XOM 100 shares of APC and 25 shares of TNH. I planned on buying silver and gold stocks today, but they opened high and went much higher. If the market turns I'll just have to get less of them at a higher price. I'll hold off on buying for now and see how the day finishes.


                        • TraderPlayerPerson

                          RM Update

                          200 shares of HAL. Could not help myself.


                          • TraderPlayerPerson


                            Since there was no rally today, I think there may be some more downside next week. I sold APC towards the end of the day. I was looking back on my posts, and I think my short ideas were pretty good. I was a few days too early, but as of today the XLF, EEM, MS, BAC, JPM, WFC, GS, C, FFIV, VMW, CRM are all down nicely while LEN, DHI, PHM, TOL, are starting to catch up. Hopefully I am only a few days early on starting my longs.

                            Originally posted by TraderPlayerPerson View Post
                            Hello gang. I just wanted to let you know I'm shorting financials and emerging markets today. I'm shorting the XLF and EEM. To me it looks like a logical time to start shorting these areas after their rally from the lows last year. For those of you interested in individual stock shorts, I would recommend to look into some of these:

                            major us financial banks(JPM BAC WFC C MS etc), residential construction stocks(LEN DHI etc. some of the others have already fallen back down), cloud stocks (CRM VMW FFIV). I think these are some good areas to short at these levels. zoom out to monthly charts and look into their numbers. Use your head and good luck!


                            • TraderPlayerPerson

                              RM Update

                              I'm using today's pullback in TNH to add another 10 shares. I previously thought I bought 25 shares, but it was 30, so this will make it 40 shares total. Also, I am buying some shares of gold companies, 300 shares IAG, 100 NEM, 100 GG. I regret not buying some more shares in CHK as it went lower in recent weeks, but at the same time I'm more comfortable seeing it move higher.


                              • TraderPlayerPerson


                                I want to buy some more names today. I was hoping the bottom isn't in since I wanted to buy at lower prices. I am ready to suck it up and buy today's rally. At the end of the day I plan on adding a few more names in energy and materials and possibly gold, as well as hedging myself by shorting the SPY.

