Canadian Stocks/Exempt Securities

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  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    Canadian Stocks/Exempt Securities

    Couple of days ago I got a call from Schwab in reference to my holdings in Response Biomed whose stock is registered in Canada and trades in the over the counter market here (RPBIF.OB). I was told they were making an offering of new stock to existing stockholders (for a price of course). They told me that I had rights to buy but had to be an accredited investor (I'm not) to buy since the new stock is not registered in the United States (which one can see in the SEC filing).

    I notice this Crazy Horse Resources Phoenix is pushing (CRZHF.PK) is similar, the only SEC document filed is the claim for an exemption for filings. Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of situations like this? Are there risks associated with such issues that one does not normally encounter wth US listed stocks?

    I guess I figured Canada is kind of an extension of the US with similar laws and protections. It wasn't like I was investing in Outer Muldavia. Can I trust their earnings reports (which are not on the SEC website) any more than one can trust anyone else's? I already know I may not be able to access some rights issues. Any specific feedback would be appreciated.
  • edward
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 124

    Originally posted by Louetta View Post
    Couple of days ago I got a call from Schwab in reference to my holdings in Response Biomed whose stock is registered in Canada and trades in the over the counter market here (RPBIF.OB). I was told they were making an offering of new stock to existing stockholders (for a price of course). They told me that I had rights to buy but had to be an accredited investor (I'm not) to buy since the new stock is not registered in the United States (which one can see in the SEC filing).

    I notice this Crazy Horse Resources Phoenix is pushing (CRZHF.PK) is similar, the only SEC document filed is the claim for an exemption for filings. Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of situations like this? Are there risks associated with such issues that one does not normally encounter wth US listed stocks?

    I guess I figured Canada is kind of an extension of the US with similar laws and protections. It wasn't like I was investing in Outer Muldavia. Can I trust their earnings reports (which are not on the SEC website) any more than one can trust anyone else's? I already know I may not be able to access some rights issues. Any specific feedback would be appreciated.
    I wouldn't say that Canada is an extension of the US. We have a functioning government, universal healthcare and a banking system that survived the recession rather nicely. Perhaps we are more of a model for the US.


    • bootsmagee
      • Dec 2010
      • 51

      Because that's where she was going with this thread...sigh

